Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 19 36 -1 939 ]^18

I had none. Reich's veg. Therapie was the cause. But I have not settled
the big question of my sex life yet.
Constance sends her love to you and Elsa. lch auch [Me, too].


Oslo, Norway
October 6, 1938
Dear Neill,
If the Pathological Laboratory in Cambridge would really take
the Bion-Cultures, it would mean a great help, and I would have to
thank you very much. I am doing it already now for all the troubles
you had with it. Please tell Bernal that I am now preparing everything
to send over the cultures. Also that the French Academie of Science in
Paris had proposed to publish my results. The reason to transport and
depose the cultures is not, as you seem to believe, that London would
be safer from bombs than Oslo. But London has no fantastic
fremmedkontor [alien registration office] which only waits for the right
moment to get rid of me, whatever the way would be.
Chamberlain will cost us all tremendously much. But as long as
people allow the Chamberlains to take care of them, the matter will
remain unchanged. There is only one hope: that it will become com­
pletely clear to everybody that there is no choice between "Democracy"
and "Fascism." There is only a third way out: only those who work and
suffer can decide!! All right-an interesting time we are living through.
That your Angst was gone was a good thing to tell about. I hope we
shall also settle all the rest of it.
I'll write you when I am sending off the Cultures. If I only knew how
much I can tell about them without being choked.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

  • • •

October 16, 1938

If you simply want your cultures to be stowed away in a safe
place it is easy. But if you want Spooner to investigate your Bione, das
ist etwas anders [bions, that is another matter]. I think you should risk
asking him to investigate them.
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