Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

(^19) [ 1936 -1 939 ]
On second thought I have a better idea. I'll write to Spooner myself
today and sound him on whether he is interested or not, and shall let
you have his reply in a few days.
Everything points to England's going Fascist now, and I fear that
soon freedom of the press will go. Then there will be no country worth
living in.
P .S. Stekel writes me : "I am coming down next weekend to see you. I
want to hear about Reich. No man should be too old to learn from
another, and none of us have all the truth."
Oslo, Norway
October 19, 1938
My dear Neill,
Many thanks for the troubles which you are taking about my
cultures. I hope someday it will pay you back. I send you a few fotos
for Dr. Spooner as a first orientation. You understand how dangerous
it would be to believe that those cultures and the way I got them could
be understood instantly by scientists who have officially to deny and to
laugh at the idea that living substance could arise from dead stuff. They
are all waiting for proof of this simple fact, but at the same time kill it.
It is strictly forbidden, against God. Meanwhile those cultures prove to
be identical with products of the cancer process. I never expected it­
simply met it.
Be please also cautious with Steke1. The so-called vegeto-therapy,
simple as it is, needed nearly 20 years of hard work and fight, is based
upon a very strict theory of life and sex-psychologically, and
biologically as well as sociologically. To let anybody simply take up a
few technical principles and test them on patients could only harm its
fame. Furthermore, the technique needs much study and improvement.
Stekel never could wait for the results research work brings only by
and by. I don't want to harm Stekel, but I want to protect my work.
The vegeto-therapy cannot simply be added to the usual psychoanalytic
theory and technic. Mostly they are opposite.
I hope you feel all right. Let me hear please about it, and how you
are getting along privately.

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