Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

(^21) [ 1936 -1 939 ]

I shall store the photos and the table you sent in the meantime.

P.S. I see nothing before us now than a Fascist France and England. I
fear this generation is doomed, that it will have to go through fascism
before it becomes conscious of what is going on in society. You were
right about workers being castrated; they are oxen with no life in their
eyes and souls.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

  • I •

November 20, 1938

I got the slides and am trying to see a friend, Prof. Wright of
the Pathology Department of Guy's Hospital about them. He is a
decent fellow and will help us if he can. The general attitude of the
Bernal group is that your discoveries are nonsense. I daren't try any
more of them.
Barnes has sent me the first chapter: of your S. im Kulturkampf in
English. Quite well translated. One difficulty in translating from Deutsch
[German] is that you all write more fully than we do. I have told you
often that I can say in a page what you take three pages to say, and
that is no merit of mine: it is the difference between the two languages
Have just been· reading your Charakteranalyse, and feel depressed

about my own work. I feel like never trying to analyse anyone again,

for I have no system as you have. Yet I wonder why most of my past

patients improved so much.
You ask me to tell you how I am, but my last letter told you this
and you don't seem to have read it. I can't get rid of my conjunctivitis,
and am going to London to see an oculist.

I wish I could give up the school for a year and come back to you. I

have no sex life and feel damned discontented and often hateful. I have
a dozen problem children whose parents send them here because of me,

and if I took even three months off duty they would object strongly.

Eine schwere Lage [A difficult situation], Reich.

I am sending Elsa my new book, the children's story I wrote in Oslo.·

* Last Man Alive (London: Herbert Jenkins, 1938).
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