Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 1936-1939 ]^20

Oslo, Norway
October 22, 1938
Dear Neill,
You see, I had a good and correct feeling about Dr. Spooner.
I am not in despair as far as the future of my work is concerned. But I
don't much trust the loyalty or scientific reliability of most of the so­
called scientists. It did not appear probable that a bacteriologist would
be interested in the Bione. Meanwhile I get cancer after cancer on mice.
Well, I could wait, if the fascists would not press on. What are you
going to do in England? Is there some sincere countermovement?
Did you get the pictures which I sent before I knew that Spooner
said no? Now I send pictures and preparata [microscope slides or
cultures] to the States. I shall flood them with pictures and preparata as
long as I can until they have to listen and to look.
How are you? Let me hear please from you very soon.

Summerhill School
Leiston, Suffolk

Dear Reich,

. I.

October 24, 1938

I am enquiring about the Lister Institute before I write to them
for information about storing bacteria. I fear that they also will be
without interest.
Had Stekel und Frau [and wife] for the weekend. He didn't after all
ask much about you, but spoke about your books in a very compli­
mentary manner. His one criticism was that he does not like your imitat­
ing patients in your Characteranalyse, but gave no reason. Don't be
afraid that I shall give a wrong impression of your work. I say very little.
I am in a bad mood myself. Full of hate, hating my wife and feeling
ashamed to introduce her to visitors because she looks so old, and then
feeling angry at myself for feeling ashamed. Then one or two of my
older Problemkinder [problem children] make me feel hateful and
murderous, for I never get away from them. I saw Helga in London
and wasn't sure of my attitude to her. We were on the streets all the
time and had to talk only. But this sexless life is going to destroy me if
I don't settle it soon. I am constipated and for weeks have had con­
junctivitis of the right eye. And I haven't any enthusiasm for my work.
I need more Reich yet, I know.

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