Mathematical Modeling in Finance with Stochastic Processes

(Ben Green) #1


whereK 1 ,K 2 , andK 3 are constants that do not depend onx. For example,
K 1 is the product of 1/

2 πsfrom thefs(x) term, and 1/

2 π(t−s) from
theft−s(B−x) term, times the 1/ft(B) term in the denominator. TheK 2
term multiplies in an exp(−B^2 /(2(t−s))) term. TheK 3 term comes from
the adjustment in the exponential to account for completing the square. We
know that the result is a conditional density, so theK 3 factor must be the
correct normalizing factor, and we recognize from the form that the result is
a normal distribution with meanBs/tand variance (s/t)(t−s).

Corollary 7.The conditional density ofX(t)fort 1 < t < t 2 givenX(t 1 ) =
AandX(t 2 ) =Bis a normal density with mean

A+ ((B−A)/(t 2 −t 1 ))(t−t 1 )

and variance
(t 2 −t)(t−t 1 )/(t 2 −t 1 )

Proof.X(t) subject to the conditionsX(t 1 ) =AandX(t 2 ) = Bhas the
same density as the random variableA+X(t−t 1 ), under the condition
X(t 2 −t 1 ) =B−Aby condition 2 of the definition of Brownian motion.
Then apply the theorem withs=t−t 1 andt=t 2 −t 1.


The material in this section is drawn from A First Course in Stochastic
Processesby S. Karlin, and H. Taylor, Academic Press, 1975, pages 343–345
andIntroduction to Probability Modelsby S. Ross.

Problems to Work for Understanding

  1. LetW(t) be standard Brownian motion.

(a) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1.
(b) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1 and 1< W(2)−W(1)<
(c) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1 and 1< W(2)−W(1)< 3
and 0< W(3)−W(2)< 1 /2.

  1. LetW(t) be standard Brownian motion.

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