Mathematical Modeling in Finance with Stochastic Processes

(Ben Green) #1


(a) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1.
(b) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1 and 1< W(2)<3.
(c) Find the probability that 0< W(1)<1 and 1< W(2)<3 and
0 < W(3)< 1 /2.
(d) Explain why this problem is different from the previous problem,
and also explain how to numerically evaluate to the proabilities.

  1. LetW(t) be standard Brownian motion.

(a) Find the probability thatW(5)≤3 given thatW(1) = 1.
(b) Find the numbercsuch that Pr[W(9)> c|W(1) = 1] = 0.10.

  1. Suppose that the fluctuations of a share of stock of a certain company
    are well described by a Standard Brownian Motion process. Suppose
    that the company is bankrupt if ever the share price drops to zero. If
    the starting share price isA(0) = 5, what is the probability that the
    share price is above 10 att= 25?. What is the probability that the
    company is bankrupt byt= 25? Explain why these are not the same.

  2. Suppose you own one share of stock whose price changes according to a
    Standard Brownian Motion Process. Suppose you purchased the stock
    at a priceb+c,c >0 and the present price isb. You have decided to sell
    the stock either when it reaches the priceb+cor when an additional
    timetgoes by, whichever comes first. What is the probability that you
    do not recover your purchase price?

  3. LetZ be a normally distributed random variable, with mean 0 and
    variance 1,Z∼N(0,1). Then consider the continuous time stochastic
    processX(t) =

tZ. Show that the distribution of X(t) is normal
with mean 0 with variancet. IsX(t) a Brownian motion?

  1. LetW 1 (t) be a Brownian motion andW 2 (t) be anotherindependent
    Brownian motion, andρis a constant between−1 and 1. Then consider
    the processX(t) =ρW 1 (t) +

1 −ρ^2 W 2 (t). Is thisX(t) a Brownian

  1. What is the distribution of W(s) +W(t), for 0 ≤ s ≤ t? (Hint:
    Note that W(s) andW(t) are not independent. But you can write
    W(s) +W(t) as a sum of independent variables. Done properly, this
    problem requires almost no calculation.)

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