Macro Photography

(Steven Felgate) #1

Lenses specifically made for macro photography are designed to handle that very issue –
focusing when the lens is so close to the subject.

Unfortunately, macro lenses tend to be very expensive and unless you are planning to shoot a
LOT of macro photography or possibly try to make a living with macro and close-up images,
most of us can’t afford them.

If you DO buy a macro lens, it is best to go with one that is made specifically for your brand of
camera. (A Canon lens for a Canon camera, a Nikon lens for a Nikon camera and so on.) One of
the cheap, off brand lenses may seem appealing - because of the price - but you are better off
saving up until you can go with better quality.

Can’t afford or don’t want to buy a macro lens? All is not lost...

To help offset the price of a dedicated macro lens, there are many “fixes” that will allow you to
use a regular prime lens. (A prime lens is one that has a fixed focal point and is not a zoom lens.)

Work - Arounds

Here is a list of the most popularly used work-arounds to deal with the focus issue. There are
probably others...

  1. Many if not most prime lenses have a – MACRO – setting. This allows the lens to focus
    at a closer distance than a standard f-stop setting would.

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