Macro Photography

(Steven Felgate) #1

The first of our big three problems when shooting macro/close-up photography is our need to get
close to the subject.

It’s one of the basic tenets of photography and I’m sure you’ve heard it said over and over: “Get
close enough so that your subject will fill the frame!”

Often with other types of photos, to fill the frame we can use longer lenses or even zoom lenses.
But that’s difficult in macro/close-up photos. So, when we are talking about shooting tiny stuff,
sometimes getting close enough can create some real challenges.

To fill the frame and make the object as large as possible, you will often have to have your lens
right on top of your subject.

“So what?” You say! “I’m not afraid of bugs!”

The problem is... Most lenses aren’t able to focus that closely.

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