Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1
Index 285

exercise, 131
combined with diet, x, 42, 146
importance of, 42. 82, 164. 229.
importance overlooked. 158
inability for. 44, 229
lack of. ix, 18. 72, 100
to prevent osteoporosis, 90
and protein needs, 140

Fairfield, Kathleen, 89
Fakin Bacon Bits, 198
fast food, x. 19, 50, 63-64, 67, 133-34.
See also convenience food; junk
fasting, therapeutic, 171
Pasting and Eating for Health (Fuhrman).
97, 171
fat, body
abdominal, 18, 21. 22, 38. 40
and death from cancer, 83
as energy storage, 154
food fat converted to, 118-19
and insulin, 32, 38-39
Fat Absorb (Chitosan), 227
fat contained in food
as appetite stimulant, 38, 119
American consumption of, 39-40
beneficial, in plant foods, 131
calories from, see calories
and cancer, 73, 83, 100, 125, 126,
convened to body fat. 40. 118-19
essential and essential fatty acids
(EFAs), 122-24
profile of, 170 (see also omega fatty
hydrogenated (trans fats), 126. 133—
34, 135. 136
importance of type of, 135
monounsaturated, 126, 132-33.
polyunsaturated, 125, 126, 135
saturated, 83, 124, 126, 132-33, 135-
36, 149
in Atkins diet, 93, 96
and lung cancer, 93
unsaturated. 125
See also low-fat diet
"Fat Dictionary." 124-26
FDA (Food and Drug Administration,
U.S.), 31, 130. 227. 236
approval by, 228, 239, 245

Food Guide Pyramid of. 32. 62, 66.
67, 187-88
political catering by, 64-65, 134,
fiber, 45-48. 116
foods lacking, 26-27, 32, 61
lack of, in refined grains, 32
and phytochemicals, 47, 96
variety of, as requirement, 101
fibroids, uterine, 79, 84
beta-carotene studies in, 56
heart disease in, 128-29
fish and fish oils, 121, 164, 171, 183
and disease risk. 71, 129-30
as DHA source, 126, 127, 128,
pollution and, 128-30
flaxseed and flaxseed oil, 130-31, 132,
171, 183, 233
Flynn, Mary, 42, 43, 44
food, weekly shopping list for, 197-98
food additives, 168
food cravings. See addiction
Food Guide Pyramid
Life Plan, 187
USDA, 32. 62, 66, 67, 187-88
food industry
advertising by, 84
and Basic Four Food Group Guide, 141
and nutrient-calorie analysis, 122
political catering to, 64-65, 134, 245
forearm fractures, 84. 86
Framingham Heart Study, 75, 156
fruit, 178-79, 199
anti-aging effects of. 31
calcium in oranges, 90
dried, avoidance of, 163, 179
frozen or canned, 178
vs. fruit juice, 36
government policy and, 65
lack of, in American diet, 67
nutrient-per-calorie ratio, 178
pesticides used on, 235-37
as protection against disease
cancer, 30-31, 53, 57, 74, 82. 94.

heart disease, 54
in Six-Week Plan, 181
See also plant foods
fruit juice
avoidance of, 27, 35, 163, 178
and triglycerides, 32
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