Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1

Index 287

inflammatory response, reduction in. 25
in-patient facilities, 232
and body fat, 32. 38-39
and body weight, 103. 160-61
danger of, 161
effect of food on levels of, 100, 106
freedom from. 6
phasing out, 161-62
resistance to. 159, 242
sensitivity improved, 25, 160
swings in secretion of, 99, 101-2,
160, 167
See also diabetes
iron as supplement. 55. 226
irritable bowel syndrome. 173

disease rates, 42, 103
Stevia use, 245
tofu consumption, 239
Jenny Craig program, 114
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 43
Journal of the American Heart Association,

Journal of the American Medical Associa-
tion, 48
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 56,
57, 80
junk food, 26. 95. 167. 228-29, 247
children's consumption of, 19-20, 234
how to avoid, 191
U.S. consumption of, x, 15, 100
See also convenience food; fast food

Katan. Martin, 41
ketone metabolism and ketosis, 95,
kidney disease
diabetes and, 159
kidney stones, 84, 98
renal insufficiency or failure, 84, 98
killer diseases, 49-52
plant foods protecting against, 52-53
USDA recommendations and, 67
See also cancer; diabetes; heart disease
Koop. C. Everett, 185

lactose and lactose intolerance, 89, 111
Lancet, The (British medical journal), 56,
103, 240
Lean Cuisine foods, 114
lectins, 111-13

Lee, I-Min. 21
Life Plan, 175. 185-94
90 percent rule. 185-90. 192
life span
increasing, 24-26
slow metabolism and, 29
See also mortality rate
"Lifestyle Heart Trial." 103
linoleicand linolenic acid. 123-24
lipid peroxidation. 129
liposuction. 17
animal-food consumption and. 106
exercise and, 229
formula for, see H=N/C formula
genetics and, 109
leafy greens and, 61-62, 76
of vegetarians. 75-76
See also life span
low-calorie diet, 24-25, 189-90
Sears "Zone," 104-5
low-fat diet, 99, 118
high in refined carbohydrates, 106-7,
low nutrient level of. 147-49
and strokes, 132
Low-Fat Lies, High-Fat Frauds (Vigilante
and Flynn), 42
lupus. 145. 172
lutein. 121, 122

McDonald's, 64, 67, 133. 134
McDougall. John, 104, 105. 113
McDougall Program for Maximum Weight
Loss, The (McDougall). 113
macronutrients, 117
macular degeneration, 121
MAD (modem American diet), 95
animal products in. 65, 92-93, 118
and calcium loss. 86-87, 88
and children, 18-20
and disease, 49-52, 62, 67, 74, 93,
109, 124, 143
common disorders. 145
fruit lacking in, 67
and hip fractures, 84
low-fat, 146
and obesity, ix-x. 100
plant food consumed in, 192
protein consumed in, 139
RDAs based on, 140-41
sodium levels in, 240
sources of calories in. 32, 34-35. 61. 189
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