Joel Fuhrman - Eat To Live

(Brent) #1

288 Index

MAD (modern American diel)
vitamin C-deficient. 226
and waler consumption, 233
See also junk food

main dish recipes, 215-23
mammograms, 82
margarine, 238
Massachusetts General Hospital, 158
Mayflower, The. 28
meat. See animal foods
for autoimmune illnesses, 172-73
for diabetes, 3-4, 11, 160-62 (see also
and diel plan, 4, 11, 162
discontinuance of, 4, 6, 161, 168-69,
and fasting, 171
for high blood pressure, 3-4, 11, 157
toxicity of, 20
weight-loss drugs, 228
Mediterranean diel, 41-45, 133, 149
menarche, age of, 78-79
menstrual complaints, 173

ami-headache diel, 170
7 days of nonvegeiarian meal plans,
7 days of vegeiarian meal plans,
See also recipes
mercury levels in fish, 129-30
meridia (sibutramine). 228
metabolic rate, slow, 17, 24, 25, 28-29.
metabolite production inhibited. 25
micronutrients, 117
milk. See dairy products
Milton, Katerine, 238
MMA (methylmalonic acid), checking
of. 227
mood swings, x
mortality rate
animal protein intake and. 70. 72, 79
body mass index and, 20
body weight and. 21
from killer diseases, 54, 70. 128
obesity and. x, 15, 16, 20
sodium and, 240
sugar and. 33
unrefined vs. refined foods and. 51-52
See also life span

mushrooms, 184. See also plant foods
myositis, 172

National Cancer Institute, 67, 74, 93
National Cholesterol Education Pro-
gram, 147-48
National Dairy Council, 84
National Food Consumption Survey,
National Health and Nutrition Survey,
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti-
tute (NHLBI), 189-90
National Institute of Environmental
Healih Sciences Center, 235
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 15,
16, 54
dietary guidelines, xi, 189-90
National Marine Fisheries Service, 129
New Diet Revolution; The Zone (Sears), 92,
New England Journal of Medicine, 19, 46,

  1. 56
    New Guinea hip-fracture rate, 84
    NewPritikin Program. The (Pritikin), 113
    New York Times. 69, 85
    New Zealand HCA study, 71
    90 percent rule, 185-90. 192
    Norwegian cancer study, 82
    Nurses Health Study, 20-21, 73, 84, 86,
    89, 134, 135
    NutraSweet (aspartame), 245
    nutrient-density concept, 7, 30
    nutrient-density scores. 120-21
    nutrient-per-calorie ratio, 7, 8, 26-27,
    60, 115
    animal products, 62
    fruit (whole). 117, 178
    green and root vegetables, 61, 117
    slow metabolism and. 29
    nutrients, noncaloric, sources of, 7
    nutrient-weight ratios, 122
    nuts and seeds, 45, 121, 163, 184, 198
    calorie content, 180
    omega-3 content, 148, 233
    See also flaxseed and flaxseed oil

in America, ix-x, 5, 15. 18, 95
childhood, 19, 20, 27
deaths from, x, 15, 16, 20, 54
government policy, x, 21, 32,
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