Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325
cities of god ...
of God Cities of the religion of the italian communes 1125 –132 5 The Pennsylvania State University Press University Park, Penns ...
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs are by David Sundt. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Thompson, Augusti ...
Contents Abbreviations vii Note on Style xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 PARTI. LACITADESANCTA:SACREDGEOGRAPHY 1 The Mo ...
Abbreviations The references to published sources, especially city statutes or liturgical texts, would require confusing and cum ...
viii Abbreviations A detta volgarmente Rampona[CCB:A],Cro- naca B detta volgarmente Varignana[CCB: B],Cronaca detta dei Bologne ...
Abbreviations ix Scriptores,ed. Georg Heinrich Pertz et al., 33 vols. in 36 ( 1826 – 1913 ; rpt., Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1976 ) ...
x Abbreviations e testi, 88 (Vatican City: Biblioteca Ap- ostolica Vaticana, 1940 ), 327 – 662 Rat. Dec. Aem.Rationes Decimarum ...
Note on Style I have in my notes reproduced Latin and medieval Italian texts from the printed editions and manuscripts, with all ...
xii Note onStyle The money in thirteenth-century records generally indicates money of account, rather than actual coins. In the ...
Acknowledgments In writing this book I have incurred countless debts. To single out institutions or individuals for special than ...
Introduction This is a book about the religious life of ordinary laypeople in high medieval Italy. As such, it is an excursion i ...
2 Cities ofGod Among Grundmann’s areas of interest, heretics were the first to generate a scholarly industry, already vital in ...
Introduction 3 that exist cannot excuse the failure to pursue such a study, although they are often so used.^8 Indeed, Vauchez ...
4 Cities ofGod policies independent of the papacy.^15 But this flies in the face of the political policies and communal identi ...
Introduction 5 that it did not occur there; indeed, south Italian cities were quite different in their ecclesiastical, commerc ...
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