Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 492 Index

Mark, St., 108 , 113 , 122 , 152
Marian confraternities.Seeconfraternities
marriage and married people, 141 – 48
blessing of, 237 , 297
canon law and 70 , 299
lay piety and, 7 , 80 , 184 , 187 , 191 – 92 , 197 , 349
in processions, 153
Martin IV, pope, 80 , 190 , 298
Martin of Tours, St., 392 , 397
Mary of Cleopas, St., 401 ,fig. 58
Mary Magdalen, St., 150 , 212 , 400 – 401 ,fig. 58
‘‘Mary Mass,’’ 247
Mass, 235 – 73 .See alsoEucharistic devotionand
names of feasts
bell ringing for, 173 – 75
bishop’s Mass, 26 , 314
business corporations and, 131
confraternities and, 50 , 73 , 76 , 87 – 91 , 99
for the dead, 77 , 321 , 385 , 414 – 16
funeral, 395 , 405 – 8
lay piety and, 72 , 191 – 92 , 249 – 50 , 343 – 49 , 382
nuns and, 188
nuptial, 145 – 46
Popolo and, 109 , 112 , 124 – 25 , 131 – 35
at shrines, 211 – 13
special rites for, 146 – 47 , 149 , 153 , 158 , 276
stipends for, 41 , 131 , 133 , 387 – 88
votive Masses, 50 , 131 , 134 , 147 , 247 – 48 , 371
Massa Marittima, 32
Massimatico (BO), 44
Mastino della Scala, 199
Matins, 242 – 45
lay piety and, 77 , 89 , 243 , 247
at shrines, 213
maturity, age of, 145
May celebrations, 280
Medici (family), 5 , 28 , 133 – 34
Meersseman, Gilles Ge ́rard, 6
‘‘Memoriale of the Brothers and Sisters of Pen-
ance,’’ 77 – 89 , 99
mendicant orders, 10 – 11 , 419 – 56 .See also individual
bell ringing by, 176
bequests to, 387 – 88
churches of, 24 , 39 , 124 , 422
competition with secular clergy, 259 – 60
confession and, 296 – 97
inquisition and, 10 , 139 – 40 , 428 – 56
lay penitents and, 10 , 97 – 102 , 422 – 28
opposition to lay saints, 206 , 430 – 33
preaching by, 336
Methodius, St., 190
Michael the Archangel, St.
Michaelmas, 274
patron saint, 110 , 120 , 122 , 137
presence at death, 383

microconvents, 426
Milan.See alsoAmbrosian Rite
baptisteries, 29 – 30
cappelle, 38
carroccio, 125 , 127
confraternities, 90
court jurisdiction, 105
lay penitents, 70 , 181
legislation, religious, 136 , 143
patron saints, 109 – 10
Popolo, 128
public penance, 302
repression of heresy, 96
Rogation Days, 154
shrines, 208 – 10 , 236 , 417
Milan Synod ( 1211 ), 355
military affairs, religious aspects
candle offerings, 166 , 172
lay penitents and, 80 – 81 , 102
Mass, 133
truces, 166
Militia of Jesus Christ, 96
Milone, bp. of Padua, 126
Miniatus, St., 114
minor hours, 242 – 43 .See alsoTerce; Sext; None
bell ringing, 175
confession and, 296
holiness and, 186 – 87 , 189 , 193 , 196 , 201 – 3 , 205
holy water and, 348
real presence and, 262 , 266
at shrines, 118 , 202 – 3 , 208
specialization of saints, 202
Virgin Mary and, 353 , 355
Misericordia (Lodi), 196
Missa Popularis, 247
monasteries in city life, 42
Modena.See alsoGiminiano, St.
baptismal font, 31 – 32 ,fig. 21
baptistery, 29 – 31
candles and candle offering, 165
carroccio, 127
cathedral, 19 – 20 , 23 , 25 , 168 , 335 ,figs. 1 , 9
cathedral missal, 26 ,fig. 10
debt relief, 275
Easter rites, 314 , 328 – 29
lay penitents, 49 , 73
peacemaking at, 159
Popolo, 168
repression of heresy, 140
money, xii, 215
Montaperti, Battle of, 99 , 109 , 111 , 126
votive offerings after, 153 , 159 – 60 ,fig. 37
Montecatini, Battle of, 384
morals legislation by communes, 137 , 139 , 171
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