Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 500 Index

Sirus, St., 394
Sixtus I, St., pope, 109
social order, expression of
in bell ringing, 174 – 76
in candle offering, 163
at funerals, 397
in processions, 143 , 149
social service.Seecharity and charities
societa.Seecorporations, communal Societadella Beata Vergine, 96
Societadella Croce, 96 Societadelle Armi (Bologna), 129 – 32 , 135
Societadelle Arti (Bologna), 129 , 135 Societadello Spirito Santo (Cremona), 199
Societa`di Sant’Eustachio (Bologna), 130 – 32 ,
134 – 35
Societas Fidelium, 96
sodomy, 302
sorcery, 191 , 266 , 300 , 366

space, sacred, 19 , 28 , 120 – 28 , 136 – 39
cemeteries as, 408 – 9
mendicants and, 419 , 421 – 22
prayer and, 345 – 46 , 349 – 50
spiritual direction, 198 , 297 – 98
Spoleto, 91
Saint John’s Fast, 281
Saint Martin’s Fast, 85 – 86 , 281
standing for prayer.Seebody, human
stational churches, 154 – 55
stational crosses, 318
stational Masses, 334
statutes, communal, religious quality, 120 , 136 – 40
stipends, Mass, 241 , 248
stripping of altars, 322
students, 288 n. 107 , 356
feast of, 278
funerals, 396 , 407
liturgical role, 250 , 253 – 54 , 263 , 324
ordinations, 282
in processions, 149 – 50 , 152
staffing churches, 41 – 42
sumptuary law
on funerals, 399 , 401 , 403 , 412
on marriage, 145 , 148
‘‘Sunday of Olives,’’ 318
‘‘Sunday of the Knights’’ (Pasqua Militum), 127
symbolism, liturgical, 152 – 55 , 158

table fellowship, 88
Tancredus, jurist, 411
taverns, 216
taxes, 194 , 275 , 422 – 23
tears, gift of, 284
temptations at death, 393

Ten Commandments, 290 , 291 n. 126 , 337 , 340 ,
Tenebrae, 321 , 326 , 328
Tentler-Boyle Debate, 298 n. 181
Terce, 90 , 155 , 161
Tertullian, 313
Theodosian Forgeries, 119
Theodosius I, emperor, 117
theology, 339 , 368
‘‘third orders,’’ 89 , 427
Thomas Aquinas, St., 268 , 341
Ticino, St., 124
tithes, 27 , 300 , 425
titular saints, 120 .See alsopatron saints
Todi, 215
tombs of the glossators (Bologna), 411 ,fig. 59
Tommaso of Fredo, artist, 20
Tommaso Balzetti, bp. of Siena, 40 , 111
Tommaso degli Ubaldini, bp. of Imola, 106
Torello, St., 175 , 283
Torello of Strada, podesta of Parma, 106
tortellini, 277
torture, judicial, 19 , 439
Toscanella, 91
tournaments, 172 , 283
trades practiced by saints, 184 – 85 , 191 , 194 , 199
Trajan, emperor, 415
Trent, Council of, 29 , 38 , 101 , 286 , 313 – 14 , 331
‘‘trentine’’ of Masses, 415
alms to mendicants, 420
baptistery, 29 ,fig. 14
clergy confraternity, 51
lay penitents, 51
legislation, religious, 124 , 136
repression of heresy, 140
saint cults, 208 , 210
trial by battle, 128 ,fig. 44
Trinity, Holy, 354 , 361
tropes, liturgical, 351 , 353 , 360
True Cross (relic), 159 , 325
trumpeting, 157 , 168

Ubaldo, St., bp. of Gubbio, 45 , 104 , 158 , 179 , 327
Ubertino of Udine, podesta of Bologna, 421
Uberto of Terzago, abp. of Milan, 311
Uberto Avvocati, bp. of Bologna, 41
Ugo of Agnano, St., bp. of Volterra, 46 , 215 , 287
Umberto Palavicino, 381
Umiliana dei Cerchi, St.
apparitions, 413 – 14
asceticism, 86
communion practices, 278 , 297
her community, 97 – 98 , 194
conversion, 72 , 184
death, 392 – 93
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