Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 501 

devotional life, 89 , 207 , 254 , 328 , 349
forfeits dowry, 144
habit, 82
persecuted, 197
shrine, 215
Umilta`of Faenza, St.
Ave Maria said by, 352
gives blessings, 356
on confession, 295
her guardian angels, 357
Latinity, 240
life, 183 – 84
enters Vallombrosa, 98
unbaptized, burial of, 408
University of Bologna, 42 , 117 – 19 , 420 , 424
Urban III, pope, 18 , 236
Urban V, pope, 197
usury, 333 , 388
Utriusque Sexus, 297 – 98 , 333 n. 154

Valeriano di Guido, 442 , 448
Vauchez, Andre ́, 2 , 3 , 195
veiling of women, 82 , 332
Venice, 49 , 108
Ventura of Bologna, master, 21 , 23 , 175 , 177 ,fig. 6
Venturino of Bergamo, St., 240 , 338
Vercelli, 142
Verdiana of Castelfiorentino, St.
and confession, 295
conversion, 306
death, 393 , 395
healing by, 319
life, 188
vernacular (Italian), religious use of
catechesis in, 268 , 289 , 339 – 41
devotional literature in, 371 – 78
hymns in, 91 – 94 , 164 , 325 , 404
prayers in, 92 – 93 , 268 , 347 , 351 , 359 , 362 – 64
ritual and liturgical use, 252 , 310 , 325 , 389
Ash Wednesday rites, 307
baptismal font, 32 – 33 ,fig. 24
baptismal rites, 310 , 314
baptistery, 28 – 30
confessional rites, 287
confraternities, 51 , 73 , 151
Easter rites, 329 , 332 , 334
funerals, 395 , 412 , 414
heresy at, 428 – 29 , 445
Holy Week, 320 – 22 ,fig. 51
Humiliati, 95
legislation, religious, 142 , 422
marriage rites, 145
mendicant church construction, 181
palios, 172 – 73
Popolo, 126

processions, 150 , 153 , 155 – 56 , 320 – 21 , 414
saints’ cults, 114 – 15 , 185 – 86 ,fig. 38
Vespers.See alsoDivine Office
banquets after, 273 , 275
of Holy Week, 321 – 22 , 331 , 334
lay use of Paters for, 90 , 354
and Pisan candle offering, 167 – 68
processions at, 150 – 51 , 174 , 334
of Vigils of the Dead, 405 – 6
vestments, 236
viaticum, 261 , 382 , 384 , 390 – 92 .See alsosick, pasto-
ral care of
baptismal font, 32
baptistery, 29
bishops and commune, 45
candle offerings, 169 – 70
carroccio, 126
cathedral, 20 , 47
lay penitents, 49 – 50 , 72 , 75 , 77 , 97 , 101
legislation, religious, 138 , 140 , 312
mendicant church construction, 123 , 422
patron saints, 110 , 114 , 174 , 320
population, 38
repression of heresy, 97 , 122 , 140
theology in statutes, 137
vices, seven.Seecapital sins, seven
victory, religious aspects, 108 , 160
vigils.See alsoChristmas; Divine Office; Easter;
fasting on, 279 – 82 , 385
of feasts, 45 – 46 , 85 , 112 , 120 , 151 , 162 – 63 ,
167 – 69
lay penitents observance of, 85 – 86 , 335
at shrines, 110 , 115 , 208 , 211 – 13 , 283
Vigils of the Dead, 398 , 405
Vincent, St., 114 , 153
virtues, seven, 340 .See alsocapital sins, seven
Visconti (family), 29 , 197 .See alsoFederico Vis-
conti; Guglielmo Visconti
Vitalis and Agricola, Sts., 206 , 210
Vittoria, Battle of ( 1248 ), 111 , 127
baptistery, 30 ,fig. 15
cathedral, 18 , 24
citizenship, 312
lay penitents, 49 – 50
liturgical uses, 276 , 318 , 334
processions, 156
baptismal, 326
communal regulation, 79 – 80 , 138
by lay penitents, 70 – 71 , 73 , 74 – 75 , 77 , 83 – 84 ,
to saints, 159 , 203 , 212 – 13 ,fig. 47
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