Notes to pages 38– 44 143
56 Elisabeth Blair MacDougall, ‘Before 1870: Founding Fathers
and Amateur Historians’, and William B. Rhoades, ‘The
Discovery of America’s Architectural Past, 1874–1914)’, in
The Architectural Historian in America, 15–20 & 23–39,
57 Henri Focillon, La Vie des formes (Paris: Presses Universitaires
de France, 1934); Engl. edn, The Life of Forms in Art, trans.
Charles B. Hogan & George Kubler ([1948], New York: Zone
Books, 1989).
58 Louis Hautecœur, Histoire de l’architecture classique en
France, 7 vols. (Paris: Picard, 1948–57).
59 Wilhelm Worringer, ‘Abstraktion und Einfühlung. Ein Beitrag
zur Stilpsychologie’, doctoral dissertation, Universität Bern,
- Published 1908 (Munich: Piper). See also Worringer’s
Schriften, 2 vols., ed. Hannes Böhringer & Helga Grebing
(Munich: Fink, 2004).
2 Organizing the past
1 Johann Gottfried Herder, Refl ections on the Philosophy of the
History of Mankind, trans. Frank E. Manual ([1784–91, 4
vols.] Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press,
1968), esp. 79, in ‘Humanity the End of Human Nature’.
Compare Peter Kohane, ‘Interpreting Past and Present: An
Approach to Architectural History’, Architectural Theory
Review 2, no. 1 (1997): 30–7.
2 Carl Albert Rosenthal, ‘In What Style Should We Build?’ in In
What Style Should We Build? by Heinrich Hübsch, Rudolf
Wiegmann, Carl Albert Rosenthal et al., trans. & ed. David
Britt ([1829] Los Angeles: Getty Center for the History of Art
and the Humanities, 1992), 114.
3 George Selwyn, ‘Parish Churches in New Zealand’,
Ecclesiologist (1841), cited in Robin Skinner, ‘Representations
of Architecture and New Zealand in London, 1841– 1860 ’,
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Auckland, 2007, 163–224,
4 As a symptom, see Jean Étienne Casimir Barberot, Histoire
des styles d’architecture dans tous les pays, depuis les temps
anciens jusqu’à nos jours, 2 vols. (Paris: Baudrey et cie,
5 For a longer list of additional anthologies, monographs and
themed issues of journals concerned with approaches to
architectural historiography, see the ‘Further reading’ section.