144 Notes to pages 44– 49
6 Mark Roskill, What is Art History? 2nd edn ([1976], London:
Thames and Hudson, 1989).
7 W. Eugene Kleinbauer and Thomas P. Slavens, Research Guide
to the History of Western Art (Chicago: American Library
Association, 1982).
8 Laurie Schneider Adams, The Methodologies of Art (Boulder,
Colo.: Westview Press, 1996).
9 Michael Podro, The Critical Historians of Art (New Haven &
London: Yale University Press, 1982).
10 Otto Pächt, Methodisches zur kunsthistorischen Praxis, ed.
Jorg Oberhaidacher, Arthur Rosenauer & Gertraut Schikola
(Munich: Prestel, 1986); Engl. edn, The Practice of Art History:
Refl ections on Method, trans. David Britt (London: Harvey
Miller, 1999).
11 James S. Ackerman, ‘Style’, in Distance Points: Essays in
Theory and Renaissance Art and Culture (Cambridge, Mass.:
MIT Press, 1991), rev. from ‘A Theory of Style’, Journal of
Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20, no. 3 (1962): 227–37.
12 Ackerman, ‘Style’, 3.
13 Ackerman, ‘Style’, 3–4.
14 Ackerman, ‘Style’, 4. Artistic style has been subject to much
theorization. See, for example, Beryl Lang, The Concept of
Style, rev. edn ([1979], Ithaca & London: Cornell University
Press, 1987); Caroline van Eck, James McAllister & Renée van
de Vall (eds.), The Question of Style in Philosophy and the
Arts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Andrew
Benjamin, Style and Time (Chicago: Northwestern University
Press, 2006).
15 Compare David Summers, ‘Art History Reviewed II: Heinrich
Wölffl in’s “Kunstgeschichtliche Grundbegriffe”, 1915’, Burl-
ington Magazine 151, no. 1276 (July 2009): 476–9.
16 Peter Gay, Style in History (New York: Basic Books, 1974),
17 Ackerman, ‘Style’, 4.
18 Ackerman, ‘Style’, 4–5.
19 Émile Bayard, L’Art de reconnaître les styles (Paris: Librairie
Garnier Frères, 1900).
20 François Benoit, L’Architecture, Manuels d’histoire de l’arte,
4 vols. (Paris: Laurens, 1911).
21 On this problem, see Mark Crinson & Claire Zimmerman
(eds.), Neo-avant-garde to Postmodern: Postwar Architecture
in Britain and Beyond, Yale Studies in British Art 21 (New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2010).
22 Ethan Matt Kavaler, ‘Renaissance Gothic: Pictures of Geometry
and Narratives of Ornament’, Art History 29 (2006): 1–46. A