Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

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Selected References
and Resources Opportunity-to-Learn Standards for Arts Education. Reston, Va.: Consortium of
the National Arts Education Association, 1995.
Perspectives on Education Reform: Art Education as Catalyst. Los Angeles: Getty
Publications, 1994.
Pistone, Nancy. Envisioning Arts Assessment: A Process Guide for Assessing Arts
Education in School Districts and States. Washington, D.C.: Council of
Chief State School Officers and the Arts Education Partnership, 2002.
Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York:
Knopf Publishing Group, 1993.
The Power of the Arts to Transform Education: Summary Report. Washington,
D.C.: The Arts Education Partnership, the John F. Kennedy Center for the
Performing Arts, and the J. Paul Getty Trust, 1993.
Program Evaluation: Visual and Performing Arts. Indicators of Schools of Quality
and Program Evaluation Series. Schaumburg, Ill.: National Study of School
Evaluation, 1998.
Public Opinion Survey. Sacramento: California Arts Council, 2001.
Remer, Jane. Changing Schools Through the Arts: How to Build on the Power of an
Idea. New York: Americans for the Arts, 1990.
“Report of the American Council for the Arts.” Report presented at the
American Council of the Arts Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia, September
18–20, 1992.
The Results of the Arts Work Survey of California Public Schools. Sacramento:
California Department of Education, 2001.
Seidel, Steven, and Meredith Eppel. Arts Survive: A Study of Sustainability in
Arts Education Partnerships. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Project Zero, 2001.
Shlain, Leonard. Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light.
New York: Quill, 1993.
Shore, Bruce M., and others. Recommended Practices in Gifted Education. A
Critical Analysis in the Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series. New
York: Teachers College Press, 1991.
Toward Civilization: A Report on Arts Education. Washington, D.C.: National
Endowment for the Arts, 1988.
Visual and Performing Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools,
Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Sacramento: California Department
of Education, 2001.
Weitz, Judith H. Coming Up Taller: Arts and Humanities Programs for Children
and Youth at Risk. Upland, Pa.: DIANE Publishing Company, 1997.
What Work Requires of Schools: A Scans Report for America 2000. Upland, Pa.:
DIANE Publishing Company, 1991.
Wolf, Dennie Palmer, and Joan Boykoff Baron. “Standards, Curriculum, and
Assessment in Arts Education: Envisioning New Possibilities,” in Measuring
Up to the Challenge. Edited by Ruth Mitchell. New York: Americans for the
Arts, 1994.

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