Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
tissues is similar to massage techniques. Yoga techniques used in Thai massage
involve positioning the client in numerous stretches similar to yoga poses, then gen-
tly rocking the person to deepen the stretch and open the joints. The gentle rocking
creates an energy flow through the different stretches. Thai massage gives the person
the flexibility, inner organ massage, oxygenation of the blood, and quieting of the
mind that comes with yoga, but because the receiver is passive the session becomes
meditative. Sometimes the therapist stands on the recipient and gently rolls one foot
on and off the body. This compression can be gentle to deep and can energize or
relax the recipient.

Infant Massage

Infant massage is gaining in popularity in the United States. Researchers have found
infant massage produces weight gains in premature infants, reduces complications
in cocaine babies, and helps depressed mothers soothe their babies. In healthy
babies it improves parent-infant bonding, eases painful procedures such as inocula-
tions, reduces pain from teething and constipation, reduces colic, induces sleep, and
makes parents feel good.


Self-massage is a wonderful way for people to better acquaint themselves with their
entire bodies. It is a process in which they learn to be aware of and release tensions
and inhibitions, to reclaim parts of themselves that have been neglected, and to
accept themselves as they are. Getting to know and appreciate one’s body through
touch is an important part of self-acceptance. The more in touch people are with
themselves, the more they come in touch with the reality and experience of the
world around them. Heightened awareness of the unity of body, mind, and spirit
often leads to an increased perception of the unity of all nature. As it builds self-
confidence and self-acceptance, this awareness enables people to respond with more
compassion and caring to others.
Self-massage is done in a warm, comfortable, and quiet environment. Breath work
and relaxation techniques are utilized to ground and center before the experience.
Self-massage often begins with gazing at oneself naked in a mirror withholding
judgment and criticism. Then the person finds a position that is relaxing and com-
fortable. Without a set route or sequence, individual senses guide self-massage. At
times the whole body may be explored and massaged and at other times people
may feel like spending the time on one part, such as the face and head. Self-
massage is done slowly and rhythmically with the eyes closed so that all one’s atten-
tion can be focused on the sensation.


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