Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Trying Massage at Home

One needs little more wisdom than that evinced by King Frederick to realize that
massage is among the most accessible of alternative therapies. Alone or with a part-
ner, massage can make a long day seem shorter and also yield real physiological

Mini-Massage (1–2 minutes)

Use the refined sesame oil sold in health food stores, not the heavy Chinese sesame
oil. If you wish, you may use olive oil instead. Warm a quarter cup of oil in the
microwave for 10–15 seconds, being careful not to overheat it.
Use one tablespoon of warm oil and rub it into your scalp. Use small, circular
motions with the flat of your hand. Using your palm, massage the forehead from
side to side and gently massage your temples using circular motions. Gently rub the
outside of the ears. Massage both the front and the back of the neck.
Use a second tablespoon of warm oil and massage both feet using the flat of the
hand. Massage each toe with your fingertips. Vigorously massage the soles of your
feet. Sit quietly for a few seconds to relax and then shower or bathe as usual.

Full Body Massage (5–10 minutes)

Massage the scalp, ears, and neck with one tablespoon of warm oil as described
Using more oil, vigorously massage your arms using long strokes on the long parts
and circular motions at the joints.
Adding oil as necessary, massage the chest, stomach, and lower abdomen using gen-
tle circular strokes in a clockwise direction. Massage as much of your back and spine
as you can reach.
Massage the legs as you did the arms using vigorous movements
With the remaining bit of oil, massage the feet as described above. Bathe with warm
water and mild soap.

Partner Massage

■ Set the mood with scented candles and soft music in a dimly lit room.
■ Lay folded quilts on the floor rather than using your bed so you can easily
move around your partner.
■ Remove jewelry to avoid catching hairs as you work.

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