Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
avoid this problem. Both of these examples illustrate how magnetic fields are essen-
tial to good health and well-being.
Throughout the ages, crystals have been a part of cultural development. Early peo-
ple used crystals to make tools and weapons and to generate a spark to make fire.
Crystals, or gemstones, were also portable forms of wealth and status. The oldest
examples of jewelry made of gold, silver, and semi-precious stones were found in the
tomb of Queen Puabi at Ur, which dates back to 3000 BC. Early Egyptians were the
first to develop cosmetics, and to highlight their eyes with powdered malachite
(green) and lapis lazuli (blue). Gemstones were worn as amulets, objects believed to
bring good luck, protect against evil, and ensure safe travel after death into the next
life. The contemporary custom of wearing birthstones is a reflection of this history.
Native Americans believed quartz crystals to be the home of supernatural forces that
would bring good luck to their hunting trips. The first known reference to the heal-
ing power of certain crystals comes from an Egyptian papyrus from 1600 BC. It gave
directions for curative use, such as placing crystals on various areas of the body and
grinding them up and mixing with a liquid for internal consumption.

Geomagnetic Field

Every atom and cell of the body is a small magnetic
field that radiates out into space, decreasing in
strength with distance and ultimately becoming
lost in the jumble of other magnetic fields. Like the
human body, the earth radiates an energy field
outwardly, called the geomagnetic field. This
energy originates in the earth’s core and radiates
out beyond the atmosphere, stimulating and pro-
tecting all of life on earth. Animals are attuned to
the geomagnetic field and can sense subtle changes
in it. For example, dogs, horses, and cattle often
become agitated just before an earthquake.
A magnetic field is like a generator, generating
internal energy that can penetrate the body as if it
were air. A strong magnet held on one side of the
hand can easily deflect a compass needle on the other side of the same hand. As the
magnetic field penetrates the body, it causes one’s atomic particles to fly around
faster and interact with more force.
Subtle changes occur in the strength of the geomagnetic field with the time of day.
The daytime side of the planet—that side facing the sun—always has a slightly



Migrating birds or
fish returning to their
spawning grounds navi-
gate over great dis-
tances with the help
of magnetic field
receptors in their
brains. It is believed that they
tune in to the magnetic field of
the earth to determine location
and direction.
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