
(lily) #1

clearly and from a place of strength and dignity, but it will also provide
valuable information about your partner. The quality of his or her
response will speak volumes. We also explore the five strategies used
by people with a secure attachment style to resolve conflict, and offer a
workshop through which you can practice these techniques, so that the
next time a conflict comes along, you’ll be better prepared. These
chapters are a lifeline for those of you who have an anxious or avoidant
attachment style—they coach you on how to keep a relationship
healthy and fulfilling. Even if you are secure, you may learn a few new
tricks that will ultimately lead to an increase in your overall satisfaction
level in relationships. These are universal skills that help secure people
navigate the world around them more smoothly.
We hope that learning about the powerful force of attachment in your
relationships and ways in which to harness it will make a significant
difference in your life, as it has in ours.

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