How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
one vision to many industries is the sales paradigm in
today’s market. In addition to our Web site and print
books, we use a variety of tools including direct mail
and special promotions that we design together.

Following her mantra to personalize her relationships,
Quitze believes that the personal touch helps win assignments.

Although you may have all the marketing materials
and the photographic style that a designer is hoping
for, it still comes down to the connection and the per-
sonality of the photographer. Many times, it will take
the photographer and the creative team talking over
the phone to seal the deal. The physical connection
helps them all to realize that their combined vision for
the assignment is what’s needed for the current cam-
paign. That’s what I help to facilitate.

“I love what I do,” Nelson says, explaining her reasons:

Working with creative agency talent, knowledgeable
art buyers, clients looking for a solution to sell their
product, the ever-changing advertising community, and
photographers I truly admire and respect—it’s a pretty
great career! Agents are no longer just salespeople; we
are producers, problem solvers, accountants, friends,
and the point of axis for the many people and the
process. We help the individuals to become a team and
produce the best results—everybody wins.


Sometimes veteran agents find that their original path can
lead them in a totally different direction, one that enables them
to apply their talents and experience to a new group of visual pro-
fessionals. This is what Patti Silverstein is currently experiencing.
An agent who until recently handled only commercial pho-
tographers, Patti is located in the biggest ad market in the


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