How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Objective Help from

the Business


In today’s increasingly competitive market, photographers
need that extra edge that will put their name in the limelight.
Constricting economic attitudes, fluctuating style trends, and
the ever-increasing number of people servicing clients are
creating an environment in which photographers must be two
steps ahead of the competition to succeed.
Two of the most significant challenges faced by visual pro-
fessionals are knowing where the potential for creative and
financial growth lies and creating effective plans to achieve
desired growth. It is here that a business consultant can make a
qualitative difference.
Experienced, seasoned photographers can benefit from con-
sultation in a fundamental way. Consultants stay in close contact
with the photo industry as a whole, watching market trends and
economic attitudes while maintaining an objective overview.
Photographers who spend most of their time shooting for exist-
ing clients have little, if any, time for this important task.
The consultant researches areas of maximum talent and
financial growth and then devises a marketing plan specifically
suited to the needs of the photographer. The strategy is to
avoid relying heavily on existing accounts. The objective of estab-
lishing financial stability while obtaining exciting creative accounts
can be achieved through an amalgamation of the old and new.

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