How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

will support you during a shoot, that your stylist will show up with
the right props, that the models will give you the look you want,
that your clients will pay you, and that the mailman will deliver the
check. But having faith in others begins with having faith in
“For me, when I have faith in myself, I am then better able to
accept faith in others,” says Furman. “I guess I feel that it is inap-
propriate to ask for support from others until you are willing to
support yourself.”
Often the support, the faith we seek, is not in response to
daily tasks but is a reaction to an extreme situation or life-
changing scenario.
For photographer Paula Lerner, faith came calling in what
seemed like a royal twist of fate. A very successful editorial pho-
tographer, Lerner is one of the founders of EP, the editorial
photography organization that has given a powerful voice to
editorial shooters nationwide. It was during the onset of a very
personal photography project that Paula was introduced to the
power of faith. In her words, “It changed my life.” She shares
her story with us.

It’s coming up on two years since I was asked to
collaborate on a book about breast cancer walks and
the people who participate in them. Many walkers
are either survivors themselves or have a loved one
that is, or have some other personal reason for
making the commitment to walk. As my mother and
stepmother are both breast cancer survivors, I had
my own personal reasons for wanting to take this
project on.
I began shooting the book in the spring of 2004,
working together with editor Deb Murphy. I was moved
and inspired by the people we encountered and their
stories. So many of them had faced so much adversity,
and yet they were still reaching out to help others.
A month into the project I went in for a routine
mammogram. It came back “suspicious.” After another
month and a surgical biopsy, I myself was diagnosed
with breast cancer. Nothing can prepare you to hear the
words, “You have cancer.” Life just turns upside down.

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