How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
The following months were a whirlwind of doctor’s
appointments, procedures, and tough decisions. I was
lucky: I was diagnosed early, and as a result I escaped
chemotherapy and radiation, although I did endure
several surgeries (one was seven hours long), a lengthy
hospital stay, and three months of post-op recuperation.
I am fortunate that my prognosis is good. I managed to
finish shooting most of the breast cancer walk book
before my treatment schedule caught up with me, and
needless to say the experience of being diagnosed in the
middle of it made the whole project more up close and
personal than I ever imagined it would be.
Here is the part that was so amazing to me. After my
diagnosis and while I was ill, I was astonished at the com-
munity of people that materialized to offer support.
If I were to add up everyone that was there for me in one
way or another, whether it was making meals, chauffeur-
ing me or my kids around when I couldn’t drive, sending
flowers, cards, e-mails, humorous books to lift my spir-
its—the total number would be at least a couple of hun-
dred if not more. I was honored and humbled that so
many people came from every corner of my life to be
there for me. I have never been on the receiving end of
that much goodwill and care before. Seeing that
renewed my faith in humanity, and reminded me that we
as human beings do indeed have a profound capacity for
selfless and generous behavior. My restored faith in
humanity changed my life.

Faith is indeed the tool that empowers. The lack of it, how-
ever, can be devastating. Throughout my thirty-year career only
a few times have I witnessed businesses that I knew I could never
help. These were studios that were floundering because the pho-
tographers at the helm of the business had so little faith that
their view of life was completely negative. Much as I tried to
advise, console, and guide, it was clear that there was nothing
that I could do from a consulting or marketing perspective to
help these folks. Their grounding in negativity was so pervasive
that ultimately they could see nothing but the dark. In time each
of these businesses indeed failed, with their leaders blaming the


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