How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

Please! Here is the truth. A mailer may be an introduction
or reminder, a Web site may be a deep first glance, but your
book, your print portfolio is the physical manifestation of your
vision and service. It is what most buyers ask to see when they
are ready to assign work. It is your “product.” If you do not have
a finished portfolio yet but have built a Web site or designed a
direct mail campaign, you are wasting time and money. Many
decisions to buy are made in committee with folks sitting
around a conference table. They are not all hunched over a
computer scanning Web sites. With this in mind, your best-case
scenario can become your worst nightmare. Your marketing
tools, including the Web and direct mail, may attract clients and
get your book called in, but if your portfolio does not exist or
does not tell prospects why they should hire you, all is in vain.
In short, your product will not sell.
In order to avoid this all-too-common trap, look at your
portfolio through the eyes of a prospective client. Ask your-
self the following questions and, most importantly, answer

1 Does your portfolio tell prospects what you do (subject)
and how you do it (style)?
2 Do your visuals have market application?
3 Are there many different applications or are images geared
within your vision to specific markets?
4 Is your book well edited and do the images have relation-
ship to one another?
5 Do the images flow well as the viewer progresses through
your portfolio?
6 Have you chosen a paper that enhances your images?
7 Is the physical housing of your book in sync with the images

Now, take another test. Pretend you are a buyer. As you look
at this book, what type of assignment would you give this talent?
Does the product sample (portfolio) build trust in the photo-
grapher to deliver? Based on this product, should you trust
them with your annual reports? Your national ad campaign?
Now, move back into the role of photographer. Take the
last test. Is the type of assignment that you chose to give this

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