How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
be considered is the sad truth that it takes timeto work
your way into a person’s mind in a positive way—often
a year or more.

What should you do?
“Use postcards... enter contests and e-mail me news of
your account wins and ads or editorial pieces that are running,”
says Menenmeyer. “Show me that you have some momentum
going and I’ll want to be a part of your team. Call me with a des-
perate tone that reeks of ‘I need work, can you give me some?’
and I’ll run like hell in the opposite direction,” he explains.


If you take Ralph’s advice and move slowly but consistently
you will find yourself an agent. When you find appropriate
candidates, be prepared to open your books, heart, and mind.
The rep-talent partnership is a business relationship, true, but
there are many similarities to a marriage. Two distinct person-
alities are working toward a common goal, and in order to be
certain both of you are working in the same direction, you need
to discuss personal, financial, and professional objectives.
Determine the rep’s expectations of you and talk about your
expectations of the rep. Ask to see samples of work that the rep
has obtained for his talent. Be prepared to show your body of
work. If conversations progress, feel free to ask for references
from talent as well as clients. Be ready to offer your own client
references as well.
Once you find a rep, the real work begins. As with any rela-
tionship, clear and distinct goals are as important as common
values. Respect, unfailing honesty, and excellent communica-
tion are needed in order for the relationship to succeed. Set
team goals and yearly objectives. Monthly meetings to discuss
long-term progress are essential—either on the phone or in
person. Too often, talent and reps let this slide. Used to speak-
ing on a daily basis about current work, future plans often get
put aside. Communication—good communication—is an
ongoing practice, and regular discussions outside daily activity


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