900 Index
Mains-borne interference , 217–218
Malleus , 8
Masking coders , 494–495
Masking effect , 622
Mean free path (MFP) , 108–109
Measurement , 33
acoustic intensity level , 44
acoustic power level , 45
acoustic pressure level , 45–46
dB, levels in , 40
dBm equations , 40
decades, number of:
calculation, in frequency
span , 68–69
decibel , 48
in acoustics , 42–44
combining , 54–58
and percentages , 77–79
in sound systems , 33–38
directivity factor , 47
distortion measurement , 73–74
eardrum defl ection, at various
sound levels , 69–70
of electrical power , 38
equivalent level, in noise
measurements , 51
harmonic distortion , 74–75
inverse square law , 46–47
log charts:
10 log x chart , 58–59
20 log x chart , 59–60
logarithm of a number, to any
base , 60–61
Ohm’s law , 47
phon , 70–71
playback systems, in studios ,
power level , 39
semitone intervals , 61–62
system gain changes , 62
tempered scale , 71–73
voltage, combining , 58
VU and volume indicator
instrument , 62
apparent VU levels, reading ,
VI instrument, calibrating ,
VU impedance correction ,
VU level on VI instrument ,
6 6
Measurement microphones ,
Membrane/panel absorbers ,
862–863 , 864
Mental process , 11–14
Metal oxide semiconductor
fi eld-effect transistors
(MOSFETs) , 156 ,
194–195 , 299–303 , 304
characteristics , 304
design styles , 306
symbols , 307
U and D MOSFETs , 305–307
Microfarad , 123
Microphone preamplifi ers ,
Microphone technology , 639
cables , 667 , 669–670
connectors , 666–667
measurement microphones , 671
types of , 672–673
phantom power , 669–670
response and directional
characteristics, nature of ,
selection , 643
capacitor , 644
carbon , 643–644
matching talker to
microphone , 646
moving coil , 645
piezoelectric , 646
ribbon , 645
sensitivity , 639–643
wireless microphones , 657–666
Microphony , 348–349
Microsoft’s Windows , 279
Minnetonka Software Inc. , 597
MIPS Technologies, Inc. , 594
Mitsubishi interface , 567 , 569
Mix amplifi ers , 789 , 790
Mixer automation , 793–794
time code , 794
Modal dispersion , 572
Mode conversion , 256
Modern standards , 211–212
Modifi ed bass-cut RC circuit , 228
Modifi ed treble-cut RC circuit ,
Monolithic super-matched input
devices , 178–179
Most signifi cant bit (MSB) , 418 ,
Motional impedance , 697–703
Motorboating , 356
Motorola , 594 , 709
Moving coil loudspeaker ,
694–696 , 702
Moving coil microphones , 645
Moving coil pick-up cartridges ,
head amplifi er design , 175–176
Moving iron headphones ,
Moving magnet, and variable
reluctance cartridges ,
Moving-coil headphones ,
MP3 , 625
MPEG , 431 , 601–602
MPEG AAC , 589
MPEG layer 1 compression , 583
discrete cosine transform ,
intensity stereo coding , 585
MPEG layer 2 audio coding , 586
MPEG layer , 3 , 587
Dolby AC-3 , 587–588
Dolby E , 589