The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1

Aloe (Greek: aloe ̄; Aloe perryi Baker [“best” or “Indian”: ] and Aloe vera L.): Agape ̄tós,
Akhilla ̄s,
Alkimio ̄n, Ammo ̄nios of Alexandria, Anastasios, Aphroda ̄s, Apollinarios
(Pharm.), Attalos III of Pergamon, Blastos, Cornelius, Damonikos, Do ̄sitheos (Pharm.),
Epigonos, Epikouros, Euangeus, Glauko ̄n/Glaukos (Med.), Harpokratio ̄n, Hermeias
(Ophthalm.), Hermolaos (Pharm.), Hermo ̄n, Iulianus (of Alexandria?), Iustus the
Pharmacologist, Kleo ̄n (of Kuzikos?), Krato ̄n (Pharm.), Kurillos, Kuros,
Lampo ̄n,
Leukios, Logadios, Lunkeus, Mantias (Heroph.), Menestheus, Nikolaos (Pharm.),
*Olumpionikos, Parisinus medicus, Pasio ̄n, Polueide ̄s, Poseido ̄nios (Med. II), Sextius
Niger, Terentius Valens, Theodo ̄re ̄tos, Threptos, Zo ̄ilos of Macedon, Zo ̄simos
Alussos (Greek; perhaps Farsetia clypeata R.Br. or Sideritis romana L.?): Antoninus of Ko ̄s.
Amellus (Latin; Aster amellus L.): Vergilius.
Amurca (Latin; cf. Olive): Porcius Cato.
Anise (Greek: anison; Pimpinella anisum L.): Aelius Gallus, Ambrosios of Puteoli, Andronikos
(Pharm.), Apuleius Celsus, Bouphantos, Dalio ̄n (Med.), Flauianus of Crete, Iamblikhos
of Constantinople, Khrusermos, Marcellinus (Pharm.), Marcellus (Pharm.), Olumpos,
Pankharios, Pasikrate ̄s, So ̄simene ̄s, Tle ̄polemos, Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia.
Anonymus (Latin; unidentified): Aristogeito ̄n.
Apple (Greek: me ̄lea, me ̄lon; Malus domestica Borkh.): Androtio ̄n, Cloatius Verus, Gargilius
Martialis, Matius Caluena.
Apple, Persian: (see Citron)
Aristolokhia: (see Birthwort)
Arugula (Greek: euzo ̄mon; Eruca sativa Lam. or Mill.): Fronto (Agric.), Iamblikhos of Con-
stantinople, Nearkhos.
Aspalathos (Greek; perhaps Alhagi maurorum (L.) Medik. or Calicotome villosa (Poir.) Link.):
Asparagus (Greek asparagos and aspharagos; Asparagus officinalis L.): Khrusippos of Knidos (I),
Nike ̄ratos.
Asphodel (Greek: asphodelos; Asphodelus ramosus Willd. or Asphodelus albus Willd.): Dionusios
(Methodist), Dionusios of Utica, Khrusermos, Simos of Ko ̄s, So ̄kratio ̄n.
Autumn Crocus (Greek: hermodaktulos; Colchicum autumnale L.; cf. perhaps Ephe ̄me ̄ron):
Alexander of Tralleis, Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos.

Balsam (Greek: balsamon; Commiphora opobalsamum L.): Aphrodisis, Epidauros, Iulius Secun-
dus, Kleophantos, Lampo ̄n, Proëkhios, Terentius Valens, Theodo ̄re ̄tos.
Banana (description in S 15.1.21; cultivar derived from Musa acuminata Colla
1820): Aristoboulos of Kassandreia.
Banyan tree (description in S 15.1.21; Ficus benghalensis L.): Aristoboulos of
Barley (Greek: krithe ̄; Latin: hordeum; Hordeum vulgare L.; cf. Beer): Anthimus, Eutonios,
Hippokratic Corpus Regimen, Khrusermos, Lusias, Magistrianus, Polle ̄s, Proëkhios,
Turranius Gracilis.
Basil (Greek: o ̄kimon; Ocimum basilicum L.): Andro ̄n, Diodo ̄ros (Empir.), Khrusippos of
Knidos (I), Sabinius Tiro, Ze ̄nophilos.
Bean, Broad: (see Bean, Fava)
Bean, Fava (Greek: kuamos; Vicia faba L.): Dulcitius, Mamilius Sura, Phainias, Vergilius.
Bear-Berry (Greek: arkou staphulos; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng.): Arrabaios.

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