The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1

Beech (Greek: oxue ̄; Fagus sylvatica L. and Fagus orientalis Lipsky): Menekrate ̄s of
Beer (Greek: zume ̄; cf. Barley): Anthimus, Glaukos (Geog. II), Praecepta Salubria.
Beet (Greek: teutlon; Beta vulgaris L.): Menandros (of Pergamon?), Seuerus Iatrosophista.
Ben-Nut (Greek: murobalanos; Moringa arabica Pers. or perhaps Moringa oleifera Lam.):
Betonike ̄ (Greek; perhaps Stachys officinalis L. [“betony”] or Cochlearia anglica L. or Rumex
aquaticus L.?): Ze ̄nophilos.
Birthwort (Greek: aristolokhia; Aristolochia clematitis L.): Abaskantos, Andro ̄n, Antiokhos
Paccius, Arbinas, Bithus, Epaphroditos of Carthage, Epigonos, Euangeus, Harpo-
kratio ̄n, Hierax, Irio ̄n, Iulianus (of Alexandria?), Iustus the Pharmacologist,
Khalkideus, Lepidianus, Makhairio ̄n, Philokrate ̄s, Philo ̄tas, Philoxenos, Prothlius/
Protlius, Terentius Valens, Threptos, Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia.
Birthwort, Long (Aristolochia longa L.): Proklos the Methodist.
Blackberry (Greek: batos; Rubus fruticosus L.): Botrus.
Boukeras: (see Ginger)
Boupleuron (Greek; unidentified, perhaps Bupleurum fruticosum L.): Glauko ̄n/Glaukos
Bran: (see Wheat)
Broom (Greek: hupokistis or hupokustis; a Cytinus species, probably Cytinus hypocistis L.): Diokle ̄s
of Khalke ̄do ̄n, Hikesios of Smurna, Nike ̄ratos (of Athens?), Theosebios.
Bryony (Greek: bruo ̄nia; probably Bryonia dioica Jacq.): Alexander Sophiste ̄s, Euge ̄rasia,
Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia.
Bulapathum (Latin; unidentified, perhaps Rumex scutatus L.): Solo ̄n.
Bur-parsley, Small: (see Kaukalis)
Butcher’s-broom (Greek: kentromurrine ̄, oxumurrine ̄, and muakanthos; Ruscus aculeatus L.):
Amarantos, Antonius Castor.

Cabbage (Greek: krambe ̄ and rhaphanos; Brassica oleracea L.): Androkude ̄s (Med.), Iulius
Bassus, Khrusippos of Knidos (I), Mne ̄sitheos of Kuzikos, Nesto ̄r, Porcius Cato.
Calamint (Latin: calamintha; one of several Calamintha Mill. species; cf. Mint): Cornelius,
Kharito ̄n, pseudo-Orpheus (Med.), Polle ̄s.
Camel-Grass (Latin: schoenus; Cymbopogon schoenanthus L.): Apuleius Celsus.
Caper (Greek: kapparis; Capparis spinosa L.): Erasistratos of Sikuo ̄n.
Cardamom (Greek: kardamo ̄mon; Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton): Amarantos, Celer the
Centurion, Harpalos (Pharm.), Harpokra ̄s, Ianuarinus, Iulius Agrippa, Kosmos,
Marcellus (Pharm.), Marcianus (of Africa?), Olumpos, Pamphilos of Alexandria,
Parisinus medicus, Poluarkhos, Proxenos, Sandarius/Sardacius, Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia.
Carrot (Greek: daukos; Daucus carota L.): Ambrosios of Puteoli, Aristokle ̄s, Khrusermos,
Kleophantos of Keo ̄s, pseudo-Orpheus (Med.), Pasikrate ̄s, Petro ̄nios Musa.
Carrot, Cretan (Athamanta cretensis L.): Euge ̄rasia, Kharikle ̄s, Lingo ̄n.
Carrot, “Deadly”: (see Thapsia)
Cassia (Greek: kasia; Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees; cf. Cinnamon): Akhilla ̄s, Amarantos,
Aphroda ̄s, Apuleius Celsus, Aristokle ̄s, Asterios, Blastos, Celer the Centurion, Dioskoros
(Pharm.), Emboularkhos, Eude ̄mos “the Elder,” Hermo ̄n, Iulius Agrippa, Iustinus
(Pharm.), Iustus the Pharmacologist, Kleopatra, Kleophantos, Kosmos, Krato ̄n
(Pharm.), Lampo ̄n, Lusias, Mele ̄tos, Me ̄na ̄s, Mithradate ̄s VI, Pamphilos of Be ̄rutos,

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