The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

(Ron) #1

Pasikrate ̄s, Philippos of Macedon, Poluarkhos, Ptolemaios (Pharm.), Rufus of Ephesos,
Strato ̄n (Erasistratean), Theodo ̄re ̄tos, Ze ̄nophilos.
Cassidony (Greek: stoikhas; Lavandula stoechas L.): Euskhe ̄mos, Ze ̄no ̄n (Med.).
Castor (Greek: kiki; Ricinus communis L.): O ̄ros, Serenus (Pharm.).
Cedar (Greek: kedrelate ̄ [tree] and kedris [its berry]; Cedrus libani L. or Juniperus oxycedrus L.;
cf. Juniper): Apios Phaskos, Bothros, Euge ̄rasia, Khrusermos, Nikias of Mile ̄tos,
Celery (Greek: selinon; Apium graveolens L.; cf. Horse-celery and Parsley): Aelius Gallus,
Ambrosios of Puteoli, Anthimus, Apuleius Celsus, Dio ̄n (Med.), Kharikle ̄s, Kurillos,
Marcellinus (Pharm.), Marcellus (Pharm.), Philo ̄nide ̄s of Catina, Timokrate ̄s,
Ze ̄nophilos.
Centaury (Greek: kentaureion; identifications vary: Centaurea centaurium L. [“greater”] or Cen-
taurium umbellatum Gilib. syn. Erythraea centaurium L. [“lesser” or “white”]): Diophantos of
Lukia, Seuerus Iatrosophista.
Centaury, White (Centaurium umbellatum Gilib.): Proklos the Methodist.
Chameleon, Black (Greek: khamaileo ̄n melas; Cardopatium corymbosum L.): Castus, Epainete ̄s.
Chameleon, White (Greek: khamaileo ̄n leukos; Atractylis gummifera L.): Hierax, Hikesios of
Chamomile (Greek: khamaime ̄lon [“ground apple”]; Matricaria chamomilla L. syn. M. recutita
L.): Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos, Polle ̄s.
Chaste-Tree (Greek: agnos or lugos; Vitex agnus-castus L.): Dioskouride ̄s of Anazarbos,
Ze ̄nophilos.
Cherry, Ground (Greek: khamaikerasos; perhaps Prunus prostrata Labill.): Askle ̄piade ̄s of
Chestnut (Greek: kastana and kastanea; Castanea sativa Mill.): Palladius Rutilius Taurus
Aemilianus, Gargilius Martialis, Oppius.
Chickpea (Greek: erebinthos; Cicer arietinum L.): Andreas of Karustos, Nike ̄ratos, Phainias.
Chicory (Greek: intubion and intubos; Latin: seris; Cichorium endivia L. and Cichorium intybus L.
[“wild”]): Petro ̄nios Musa, Praecepta Salubria.
Cinnamon (Greek: kinnamo ̄mon; Cinnamomum verum J. Presl syn. C. zeylanicum Nees; cf.
Cassia): Adeimantos, Aelius Gallus, Anastasios, Antiokhos Paccius, Aphroda ̄s,
Apuleius Celsus, Aristokle ̄s, Emboularkhos, Hermo ̄n, Iulius Africanus, Iulius Agrippa,
Iustinus (Pharm.), Iustus the Pharmacologist, Kleophantos, Lampo ̄n, Logadios,
Magnus arkhiatros, Marcianus (of Africa?), Mithradate ̄s VI, Nikostratos (Pharm.),
Pasikrate ̄s, Philippos of Macedon, Pomponius Bassus, Praecepta Salubria, Quintus,
Ripalus, Romula, Sandarius/Sardacius.
Cinnamon-wood (some Cinnamomum species): Poluarkhos.
Citron (Greek: me ̄lea Persike ̄ [“Persian apple”]; Citrus medica L.): Africanus (pharm.), Oppius.
Clove (Greek: karuophullon; Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill & Perry): Alexander of Tralleis,
Anthimus, Eruthrios, Theodo ̄re ̄tos.
Clover (Greek: triphullos; Trifolium pratense L., Tr. fragiferum L., and other species): Antiokhos
VIII Philome ̄to ̄r, Apollo ̄nios Claudius, Dionusios (Methodist), Epaphroditos of
Carthage, Hippokratic Corpus Surgery, Simos of Ko ̄s, Terentius Valens, Ze ̄no ̄n of
Colocynth (Greek: kolokunthe ̄; Lagenaria vulgaris L.; cf. Gourd, Squash): Seuerus
Colts-foot (Latin: tussicularis [and other names]; Tussilago farfara L.): Lusias.

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