The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

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Sycamore (Greek: sukaminon; Ficus sycomorus L.): Papyrus Oxyrhynchos 15.1796 (De Plantiis
Aegyptiis), Physiologos.
Symphytum (Latin; Symphytum bulbosum Schimp.): Sandarius/Sardacius.

Thapsia (Greek; Thapsia garganica L.): Dionusodo ̄ros (Pharm.), Epidauros, Eutonios,
So ̄krate ̄s (Med.).
Ther(i)onarca (Latin; unidentified; contrast Oleander): pseudo-De ̄mokritos
Thistle (Greek: krission; perhaps Carduus pycnocephalus L. or Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis): Andreas
of Karustos, Iamblikhos of Constantinople, Khaireas.
Thyme (Greek: thumon; Thymus vulgaris L.): Cornelius, Iustus the Pharmacologist, Marcellus
Tithumallos: (see Spurge, Petty and Spurge, Sea)
Tragacanth (Greek: tragacantha; Astragalus gummifer Labill.): Apollinarios (Pharm.), Apol-
lo ̄nios Claudius, Apuleius Celsus, He ̄ro ̄n (Med.), Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos, Khrusermos,
Mantias (Heroph.), Marinos (Med.), Neilammo ̄n.
Tree Cotton (Greek: dendron eriophoron; Gossypium arboreum L.): Androsthene ̄s of Thasos.
Tree-Heath: (see Heath)
Turnip (Greek: gongulis; Brassica rapa L.): pseudo-De ̄mokritos (Pharm.), Dionusios
Turnip, wild (Greek: bounias; Brassica napus L.): Amarantos, Dionusios of Utica.

Umbellifer (Greek: petaso ̄de ̄): Phainias.
Valerian (Greek: phou; Valeriana phu L.; cf. Nard, Pontic): Proklos the Methodist.
Vervain (Latin: uerbena; Verbena officinalis L.): Iustus the Pharmacologist.
Vetch (Greek: bikion; Latin: uicia; Vicia sativa L.): Mamilius Sura.
Vetch, Bitter (Greek: orobos; Latin: eruus; Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd.): Antiokhos VIII Philome ̄to ̄r,
Euge ̄rasia, Khrusermos, Terentius Valens, Ze ̄no ̄n of Laodikeia.
Vine (Grape) (Greek: ampelos; Vitis vinifera L.; cf. Lees, Must, Vinegar, Wine): Palladius
Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, Vindonius Anatolios, Aristolaos, Cornelius Valerianus,
De ̄mosthene ̄s, Eusebius son of Theodorus, Florentinus, Fronto (Agric.), He ̄siod of
Askra, Hostilius Saserna and son, Iulius Atticus, Iulius Graecinus, Iulius Hyginus,
Kleide ̄mos, Kuranides, Nesto ̄r, Olumpos, Pamphilos of Alexandria, Papyrus Hibeh
2.187, Petro ̄nios Musa, Porcius Cato, Tremellius Scrofa, Vergilius.
Vinegar (cf. Vine): Alkimio ̄n, Amphio ̄n, Andreas of Karustos, Apio ̄n of Oasis, Aristokle ̄s,
Aristophane ̄s, Artemido ̄ros of Perge ̄, Attalos III of Pergamon, Botrus, Castus,
Damonikos, De ̄ïleo ̄n, Dionusios Sallustius, Dionusios of Samos, Dionusodo ̄ros
(Pharm.), Dioskouride ̄s of Anazarbos, Eire ̄naios, Epigonos, Erasistratos of Sikuo ̄n,
Euangeus, Euge ̄rasia, Halieus, Harpalos (Pharm.), Harpokra ̄s, He ̄rakleide ̄s of Ephesos,
Hierax, Hikesios of Smurna, Hippokratic Corpus Regimen, Ianuarinus, Ioudaios,
Kharikle ̄s, Kimo ̄n, Kleo ̄n (of Kuzikos?), Kleophantos, Kloniakos, Kurillos, Kuros,
Lampo ̄n, Leukios, Marcellus (Pharm.), Mege ̄s, Menemakhos, Menippos, Me ̄nophilos,
Moskhio ̄n (Pharm.), Nike ̄ratos, Pasio ̄n, Philagrios, Philo ̄tas, Puramos, Puthio ̄n (Pharm.),
Serenus (Pharm.), So ̄krate ̄s (Med.), So ̄kratio ̄n, So ̄simene ̄s, Sunero ̄s, Theoxenos,
Tle ̄polemos, Trupho ̄n of Gortun.

Walnut (Greek: karua Persike ̄; Juglans regia L.): Amuntas (Geog.), Apollo ̄nios of Alexandria
“Mus,” Damonikos, Mithradate ̄s VI, Sueius.

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