Wheat (Greek: puros, or simply amulos and sitos [“flour”]; Triticum vulgare L.): Apollinarios
(Pharm.), Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos, Iunia/Iounias, Nike ̄ratos, Papyrus Michiganensis
17.758, So ̄kratio ̄n, Stephanos of Tralleis.
Willow (Greek: itea; Salix alba L.): Dioskouride ̄s of Anazarbos, Lusimakhos of Macedon.
Winter Cherry: (see Halikababon)
Wine (cf. Vine): Abaskantos, Aelius Gallus, Amarantos, Ambiuius, Androkude ̄s, Andro ̄n
(Pharm.), Antigonos (Med.), Antimakhos, Antonius Musa, Apollodo ̄ros (Med.), Apol-
lodo ̄ros the the ̄riakos, Apollo ̄nios Claudius, Apollophane ̄s of Seleukeia, Apuleius Celsus,
Aristolaos, Aristomakhos of Soloi, Aristotelian Corpus Problems, Artemo ̄n, Askle ̄piade ̄s
of Bithunia, Aurelius, Bio ̄n Caecilius, Bithus, Blastos, Chrysippus of Soloi, Cornelius,
Dalio ̄n (Med.), Damigero ̄n, Demotic Scientific Texts, Dexios, Diokle ̄s of Karustos,
Dioskouride ̄s (Metrology), Dioskouride ̄s of Anazarbos, Epagathos, Epaphroditos of
Carthage, Eruthrios, Euboulos (Pharm.), Euelpide ̄s, Eue ̄nos, Eugamios, Euge ̄rasia,
Euhe ̄me ̄ros, Euphrano ̄r, Euphro ̄nios of Athens, Eusebius son of Theodorus, Faustinus,
Flauius “the boxer,” Florus, Fronto (Agric.), Gemellus, Geo ̄ponika, Glauko ̄n/Glaukos
(Med.), Glaukos (Geog. II), Harpalos (Pharm.), He ̄ra ̄s, Hermeias (Ophthalm.),
Hermogene ̄s of Smurna, Hikesios, Hippokratic Corpus Regimen, Iako ̄bos Psukhrestos,
Idios, Isido ̄ros of Antioch, Khaireas, Kharito ̄n, Khrusermos, Khrusippos of Knidos (I),
Khrusippos of Knidos (II), Kimo ̄n, Kleophantos, Kleophantos of Keo ̄s, Ko ̄dios
Toukos, Kommiade ̄s, Krateros, Kratippos, Krato ̄n (Pharm.), Licinius Mucianus,
Lusias, Maecenas Licinius, Maiorianus, Mantias (Heroph.), Marsinus of Thrake,
Matius Caluena, Menestheus, Mnaseas (Method.), Mne ̄sitheos of Athens, Moskhio ̄n
(Pharm.), Nike ̄ratos, Nikolaos (Pharm.), Nikome ̄de ̄s IV of Bithunia, Olumpos,
Oppianus of Apameia, Pamphilos of Alexandria, Pantainos, Papyrus Laur. Inv. 68,
Papyrus Ryl. III.531, Pasio ̄n, Petron(as) of Aigina, Petro ̄nios Musa, Phainias, Philagrios,
Philippos of Macedon, Philokle ̄s, Philo ̄nide ̄s of Durrakhion, Philo ̄tas, Pleistonikos,
Polueide ̄s, Porcius Cato, Praxagoras, Ptolemaios (Pharm.), Ripalus, Simos of Ko ̄s,
Solo ̄n, So ̄sandros (Pharm.), So ̄sikrate ̄s, Sunero ̄s, Thamuros, Themiso ̄n of Laodikeia,
Theophilos (Pharm.), Theosebios, Valerius Messalla Potitus, Vergilius, Ze ̄no ̄n of
Laodikeia, Ze ̄nophilos, Zo ̄simos (Med.).
Wormwood (Greek: abrotonon; Artemisia abrotanum L.): Diophantos of Lukia, Kleophantos,
Nike ̄ratos, Praecepta Salubria, Serenus (Pharm.), Seuerus Iatrosophista.
Wormwood, absinthe (Greek: apsinthinon; Artemisia absinthium L.): Eruthrios, Praecepta
Wormwood, tree (Greek: artemisia; Artemisia arborescens L.): Strato ̄n (Erasistratean).
Abies cephalonica L. Fir
Acacia arabica Lam. and A. nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Delile Acacia
Acacia catechu Willd. Indian buckthorn
Acinos rotundifolius Pers. Akinos
Aconitum Anthora L. Aconite
Acorus calamus L. Reed, aromatic
Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Maidenhair
Agrimonia eupatoria L. Agrimony
Alcyoneum cortoneum Pall., A. papillosum Pall., A. palmatum Pall., and
A. ficus Pall.
Alhagi maurorum (L.) Medik. Aspalathos