The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists: The Greek tradition and its many heirs

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engaging in trade from 540 CE; declined in the 7th c. ODB 1488, M.M. Mango; OCD3
1046, J. Whatmough; BAGRW 87-D3; BNP 9 (2006) 777–779, K. Kessler; A.H. Becker,
Fear of God and the Beginning of Wisdom (2006) 41–97, 197–203; EJ2 15.276, E. Ashtor and
M. Beer.
A, M, S S.
Nola (mod. Nola; 40 ̊ 56 ’ N, 14 ̊ 32 ’ E): old city in Campania, perhaps founded by Khalkis
or by Etruscans, on the other side of Mt. Vesuuius from Neapolis (with whom early
relations were good), and south-west of Beneventum; under Rome from 312 BCE;
resisted Hannibal in 215 and 212 BCE. PECS 627 – 628, L. Richardson, Jr.; OCD3 1047,
H.K. Lomas; BAGRW 44-G4; BNP 9 (2006) 790–791, E. Olshausen and V. Sauer.
M P.
Nouum Comum (mod. Como; 45 ̊ 49 ’ N, 09 ̊ 05 ’ E): at south end of Como lake, ca 45 km
north of Mediolanum, under Rome from the early 1st c. BCE; moved to the new site
by C. PECS 234 – 235, M. Mirabella Roberti; OCD3 375, J.B. Ward-Perkins and
T.W. Potter; BAGRW 39-E2; BNP 3 (2003) 678–679, A. Sartori.
P S.
Nusa (mod. Sultanhisar; 37 ̊ 53 ’ N, 28 ̊ 09 ’ E): Karian city at the north edge of the plain of
the Maiandros river, east of Tralleis, and west of Antioch on the Maiandros; Seleukid
in the 3rd c. BCE; prosperous under Rome from 88 BCE. S  B,
s.v., lists ten homonyms; PECS 636 – 637, G.E. Bean; BAGRW 61-G2; BNP 9 (2006) 930–931,
H. Kaletsch.
I, S.
Nussa (mod. Nevs ̧ehir?; 38 ̊ 37 ’ N, 34 ̊ 43 ’ E): old city of Kappadokia, near Caesarea;
no history before the middle-Byzantine period seems to be known. RE 17.2 (1937) 1662,
W. Ruge; ODB 1506 – 1507, C.F.W. Foss; BAGRW 63-D3; BNP 9 (2006) 931, K. Strobel.
Oasis (mod. al-Khargah; ca 25 ̊ 15 ’N, 30 ̊ 35 ’ N): region of Egypt 200 km west of the far
upper Nile, an “island” (its meaning in Egyptian) in the desert. BAGRW 79-B2. (Contrast
the older Oasis Parva, mod. Bahariya Oasis, BAGRW 73-F5.)
Oinoanda (mod. I·ncealiler; 36 ̊ 48 ’ N, 29 ̊ 34 ’ E): city in Lukia, a colony of Termessos,
founded ca 200 BCE. PECS 640 – 641, G.E. Bean; OCD3 1062, St. Mitchell; BAGRW 65-C4;
BNP 10 (2007) 51, H. Elton.
Olunthos (mod. Olinthos/Nea Olunthos; 40 ̊ 17 ’ N, 23 ̊ 21 ’ E): coastal city of Khalkidike ̄
near Poteidaia, occupied by Thrakians until expelled by the Persians in favor of Greeks
(H 8.127). Fearing Sparta, allied with Philip II of Macedon in 357, but fearing
his power intrigued with Athens, and was destroyed in 348 BCE. PECS 651 – 652,
J.W. Graham; OCD3 1067, N.G.L. Hammond; BAGRW 50-D4; BNP 10 (2007) 119–120,
M. Zahrnt.
Opous (mod. Atalandi; 38 ̊ 49 ’ N, 23 ̊ 00 ’ E): coastal city and capital of East Lokris, north-
east of Huampolis, opposite Euboia; allied with Sparta in the 5th c. BCE. BAGRW 55-E3;
BNP 10 (2007) 178–179, G. Daverio Rocchi.
Ostia (mod. Ostia; 41 ̊ 45 ’ N, 12 ̊ 18 ’ E): port city of Rome, at the mouths (ostia) of the
Tiber river; razed by Marius 87 BCE, then by pirates 68 BCE; rebuilt by C, Tiberius,

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