I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
194 I Can Read You Like a Book A

Now go back to the man with the same expression and compare
and contrast the brushstrokes.
ƒ Does the person’s body language holistically support
the message he is trying to send?
ƒ Will his message differ when he’s with the guys and
with his mate?
ƒ Is his behavior similar to others of his kind? In other
words, what is the norm not only for his culture, but
also for males within his culture?
You have decided he is not exactly super-typical, but he does
distinguish himself with certain gestures and postures. You have
observed scalp to soles and mentally recorded data about clothing
and other indicators of status. Next, you must discover what body
language is unique to him.

Baselining mechanics

You need to ask questions that you know the answer to—a
stage in your baselining activity whether you are hunting for verbal
clues or behavioral clues. These should be simple questions that get
his opinion about the best beer, or where to find a bicycle tire.
Regardless of what the questions address, your aim is finding his
norm, so you have to be non-confrontational at first. When he answers:
ƒ What is his normal way of looking around?
ƒ How does he stand/sit when relaxed?
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