I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1

252 I Can Read You Like a Book

  1. The I’m keeping you close for scrutiny advisor.
    Already suspicious of this advisor, the alpha is con-
    stantly watching his back. You win in open confron-
    tation with this advisor by waiting him out and asking
    questions that will force the hand of the alpha. The
    alpha cannot sit idly by as the advisor spouts rhetoric
    counter to the alpha’s thoughts.

The influence peddler
This person is the rock on which the company is built. Every-
one owes him something, including you, whether or not you per-
ceive it. He keeps a list and checks it twice. Easy to spot, he is the
social butterfly of the organization.
In my Army days, we called this a scrounger. In the old TV
show M*A*S*H, he is Rizzo the motor pool sergeant, who sells
stolen oil to get eggs for the chow hall, so Hawkeye can produce an
omelet to seduce the pretty nurse, so Rizzo can get penicillin
secretly to treat his venereal disease. This is energy intensive. Main-
taining all of those relationships is similar to spinning plates on poles.
Because of that, the person is nimble in conversation, but less likely
to take the limelight. You will notice the influence peddler by preoc-
cupation. The way to defeat him is to become the most important
cog in the wheel. Decide what the keystone is of his influence and
gently insert yourself into that position. The result is that he is no
longer important without your cooperation.
You only get close to this person with the body language of
helplessness—arms open, concerned brow, needy posture—as you
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