I Can Read You Like a Book : How to Spot the Messages and Emotions People Are Really Sending With Their Body Language

(Frankie) #1
R Review From Scalp to Soles 83

your brain that process sound are located directly over the ears, so
when recalling a melody or noise, your eyes will drift toward your
ears, usually between the browridge and cheekbone. Cognitive
thought and problem solving occur in the frontal lobe in adults. When
calculating or analyzing, you will find your eyes—and perhaps your
whole head—moving down left. A down-right movement corresponds
to intense feelings.

Using questions that target specific sensory channels and spe-
cific parts of the brain—visual, auditory, cognitive—you can drive
another person to move his eyes. Watch what happens when you
pose the following questions to someone:

ƒ What did your first-grade classroom look like?
ƒ What is the 10th word of the “Star Spangled Banner”?
ƒ What is 30 percent of $54?
ƒ What do you think the inside of the Voyager Space
Probe looks like?
ƒ What kind of sound does a giraffe make?
ƒ What did you feel when you heard about the deaths
of innocents and heroes on 9/11?
This exercise demonstrates that eye movement is natural and
linked to brain structures. When someone recalls information from
the memory side of the visual cortex, that is visual memory. Visual
construct is occurring when the person’s eyes move up, but to the

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