
(Brent) #1
Well-studied examples of metapopulation dynamics in vertebrates are less com-
mon. Long-term studies of pool frogs along the coast of Sweden demonstrate a
steady pattern of subpopulation turnover (Sjögren Gulve 1994). Similar patterns of
extinction and recolonization have been shown in a number of other systems: cou-
gars inhabiting chapparal shrub patches in urban southern California (Beier 1996),
pikas living on mine tailings in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California (Smith
and Gilpin 1997), sparrows on windswept islands off the coast of Norway (Sæther
et al. 1999), and beavers inhabiting isolated ponds in Canada (Fryxell 2001). There
is no doubt that the preconditions for metapopulation dynamics exist. The unresolved
question is how common they might be.

Levin’s (1969) simple metapopulation model can be readily modified to predict the
effect of habitat loss. Let Hreflect the proportion of sites destroyed by man, so that
any propagule that lands on a degraded site cannot persist. The dynamics of this
degraded environment are depicted as follows:

=cp(1 −H−p) −ep

As a result of habitat loss, the equilibrium level of occupancy is reduced (Fig. 7.11). If
His large enough, the metapopulation may not be able to persist at all. This is a simple,
but graphic, way to look at the potential costs of habitat degradation. Empirical exam-
ples of habitat degradation leading to extinction are largely anecdotal, but nonetheless


106 Chapter 7

Fig. 7.10A map of
Åaland, showing sites of
local subpopulations of
the Glanville fritillary
butterfly. Sites with
suitable host plants
occupied by larvae in
1995 are shown by
filled symbols, whereas
open circles depict
unoccupied sites. A
subset of 42 occupied
sites were studied in
detail, shown by large
circles. Seven of
these subpopulations,
depicted by triangles,
had gone extinct by the
next sampling period.
(After Saccheri et al.

7.7.2Habitat loss
and metapopulation

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