
(Brent) #1
abound in the natural history literature, as we discuss in Chapter 18. The importance
of habitat loss may be magnified in the future, if man does not learn to limit habitat
fragmentation and prevent further alienation of subdivided patches of habitat.

Through natural or human-influenced patterns of disturbance, suitable patches of
habitat for breeding can become widely separated. Individuals setting up breeding
territories must locate these suitable patches in an unfavorable matrix before they
can set up a territory to attract mates (Lande 1987). Under many circumstances, the
dynamics of territory occupancy by breeding pairs and their offspring are logically
similar to those of a classic metapopulation (Noon and McKelvey 1996). Extinction
is amplified when the probability of territory (patch) colonization is low relative to
the probability of territory vacancy (local extinction) arising due to mortality. A key
difference, however, is that successful breeding requires that both a male and a female
independently discover a suitable territory site. At low probabilities of discovery, some
individuals may never find mates. This Allee effect (after Allee (1938) who defined
the process) could cause extinction if the overall level of territory occupancy falls
below a critical level (Lande 1987, 1988; Courchamp et al. 2000a).
It is possible to imagine a metapopulation of local protected areas, each of whose
internal dynamics are determined by the fragmented territory model (Lamberson
et al. 1992, 1994). Under these circumstances, similar levels of species persistence
could be obtained by a few large reserves, even if they are widely spaced, or a large
number of small reserves, each of which is much more vulnerable in isolation to extinc-
tion. Depending on which circumstances prevail, the management priority would switch
from maintaining territory quality within specific reserves to enhancing dispersal across
a large network of reserves (Noon and McKelvey 1996).
A good example of this kind of situation involves the northern spotted owl (Strix
occidentalis) of the western USA (Lande 1988). Spotted owls require substantial tracts
of old growth forest for their breeding territories, but 80% or more of the mature
forest in the northwestern USA has been logged over the past half century. As a con-
sequence, local populations of owls are increasingly isolated from each other by large
areas of clear-cutting. Moreover, variation in forest structure at the local level can
influence territory occupancy. Concern about the long-term viability of northern
spotted owl populations led to debates about appropriate management schemes for
the public forest lands in the Pacific Northwest (Doak 1989; Lamberson et al. 1992,
1994; Doak and Mills 1994). The solution was both to control the future loss of mature
forest and to manage the spatial pattern of forest utilization in such a way as to






Time, t
Proportion of occupied sites,
Fig. 7.11
dynamics over time for
the same parameters as
in Fig. 7.9 (c=0.90,
e=0.45), now with
substantial habitat loss
(H=0.3) among the
previously inhabitable
sites. This leads to
a reduction in the
equilibrium from
50% to 20%.
territorial systems

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