The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions

(Elle) #1

Reverse algorithms in several Mesopotamian texts 397 Th e fi rst factor chosen is 6.40, the last part of the number. Its
reciprocal is 9 (written to the right). Th e product of and 9  is
45.30.40 (written to the left ). Th e reciprocal of this number is not given
in the standard reciprocal tables, thus once again the same sub-routine
is applied. Th e process continues until an elementary regular number is
obtained. In the fourth iteration, 16 is fi nally obtained. With the reciprocals
having been written down in the right-hand column at each step, it suffi ces
to multiply these numbers to arrive at the desired reciprocal. Th e multipli-
cation is carried out term by term, 27 in the order of the group of intermedi-
ate products in the central column. In other words, 3.45 is multiplied by
3.45. Th e result (14.3.45) is multiplied by 3.45. Th en that result is multiplied
by 1.30; and that result is multiplied by 9. Th us for the
desired reciprocal is obtained.
In modern terms, the algorithm may be explained by two products:

Th e factorization of appears in the left -hand column (or, more pre-
cisely, in the last part of the numbers in the left -hand column): = 6.40 × 40 × 16 × 16 × 16.
Likewise, the factorization of the reciprocal appears in the right-hand column:
9 × 1.30 × 3.45 × 3.45 × 3.45 =

Since the sub-routine is repeated, the usefulness of the rules for spatial
arrangement of the text becomes clear. Th e factors of a number for which
the reciprocal is sought are on the left. Th e factors of the reciprocal are on
the right and the partial products are in the centre. Th e spatial arrangement
of the text probably corresponds with a practice allowing an automatic
execution of the sequence of operations. Such an arrangement displays the
power of the algorithm and demonstrates possibilities of the spatial organi-
zation of the writing – possibilities that the linear arrangement of a verbal
text like Tablet B does not include.

Reverse algorithms

Now let us consider the entirety of Section 20 of Tablet A ( Table 12.3
above). Lines 1–9 show step by step that the reciprocal of is Th is number, in turn, is set out on the left and subjected
to the same algorithm: ends with 30; the reciprocal of 30,
which is 2, is set out on the right, etc. As in the other examples, the number

27 In the cuneiform mathematical texts, multiplication is an operation which has no more than
two arguments.

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