The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

elevate your hips, supporting them with both of your
hands. Keep your upper arms and elbows on the floor. The
back of your head and neck remain flat on the floor. Find
a point of comfortable balance into which you can relax.
Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply in this position.


From the shoulder stand, gently lower your legs over
and behind your head so you are touching the floor with
your toes. If you cannot bring them all the way to the
floor, lower them as far as you can. Place your arms along-
side you, breathing easily, and feel the stretch in your
spine and thighs. Bring your attention to your breathing
and practice Ujjayi pranayama in this pose, audibly
inhaling and exhaling with slightly constricted throat

128 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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