The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1

Slowly alternate between the shoulder stand and the
plow pose three or four times. These two poses are bene-
ficial for massaging the visceral organs and toning the
thyroid gland.
Now slowly lower both legs back to the floor, resting
comfortably on your back. Witness your breath while
feeling the sensations in your body.

The shoulder stand and plow poses circulate energy up
and down your spine. When you first try the shoulder
pose, you may find that your center of gravity is in your
hips and buttocks and you may have difficulty maintaining
your legs over your head. With repeated practice, you
will feel increasing comfort bringing your legs over your
head and maintaining your balance with little effort. You
may initially have difficulty flexing enough for your toes to
touch the floor. After a few rounds of doing the shoulder
stand alternating with the plow, it will be easier for you to
obtain full benefit from both poses.


Roll from your back onto your stomach. Bring your legs and
feet together with your toes slightly pointed. Place your

Consciousness in Motion 129
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