The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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your fingertips to the ceiling. Hold this twisted pose for
ten seconds, then unwind.
Repeat this balancing posture on the opposite side by
shifting your weight to your right foot and wrapping your
left leg around your right, hooking your left toes inside
your right calf. This time, wind your right arm around
your left so that the fingers of your left hand rest in your
right palm. The opposite leg and arm are on top.
In Vedic mythology, Garuda is the eagle god—half
bird and half man. He is frequently shown carrying
Vishnu, the god who maintains the universe. Garuda is
known as the destroyer of obstacles to the fulfillment of
desires. Develop the focused attention and balance
required to master the eagle pose and obstacles will dis-
sipate from your life.

Practice these balancing poses on a regular basis and in
addition to mastering the postures, you will find it easier to
maintain your balance in all situations in your life. An
underlying fundamental principle of yoga is the relation-
ship between the individual and the cosmos, between the
microcosm and the macrocosm. The skills gained during
the practice of yoga translate into life skills. Everyone
can benefit from greater balance in life.

Yoga in Motion—

Salutations to the Sun

The twelve poses of the sun salutations offer an opportu-
nity to enhance flexibility and strength while improving
circulatory health. The set of postures has been described
as the most complete exercise available, so if you have

148 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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