The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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only limited time for yoga, the sun salutations are your
best choice.
Through the twelve poses of the sun salutations, all
major muscle groups and all major joints are exercised.
These poses also massage and stimulate your major inter-
nal organs. These postures are designed to awaken the
connection between your agni, or inner fire, and that of
the sun. The word agniis the root of the English word
ignite. When your agni is burning brightly, you are capable
of digesting the energy and information you ingest on a
daily basis, be it food, ideas, or emotional experiences.
When your inner fire is weak and sputtering, you do not
fully metabolize your daily life experiences. The residues of
incomplete metabolism are stored in your body/mind,
leading to fatigue and weakened immunity. When prac-
ticed along with following a healthy diet, a good daily
routine, and the conscious avoidance of physical and
emotional toxicity, the sun salutations are designed to
kindle your inner fire so you can radiate the best of who
you are.
The poses of Surya Namaskar represent the full expe-
rience of human life with all its highs and lows and ins and
outs. Traditionally performed at sunrise and sunset, the
postures represent the metabolism of the sun’s energy
into life energy. The sun is the source of all life on this
planet. Ultimately we are beings of light, and the sun
salutations acknowledge this primordial connection.
Performed slowly, the twelve poses encourage flexibil-
ity and strength. Performed rapidly, the sun salutes can
provide a vigorous cardiovascular workout.
Along with each posture of Surya Namaskar is a
mantra that awakens an aspect of the energy of the sun.

Consciousness in Motion 149
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