The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

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movements, so that you’re inhaling each time the body is
extended and exhaling each time you move into flexion.
The postures are most beneficial when performed in a
smooth, flowing, sequential manner.
According to yoga, if you do the sun salutations every
day of your life, your mind will remain alert and vibrant
and your body will be light and flexible.

Sun Salutations in a Chair

We believe that the sun salutations provide such benefit,
and we have developed a modified version that can be per-
formed in a chair. You can perform these modified sun
salutations while riding as a passenger in a car on an
extended road trip, sitting at your desk at work, or flying in
an airplane. These poses relieve tension in your spine,
enhance circulation, and ease soreness in your muscles.

158 The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga

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