The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1


Bandhas (2 to 5 minutes)

It is useful at this stage to perform your energy-governing
techniques. Begin with the chin lock bandha, in which
you fully exhale, flexing your head forward, and then
inhale against a closed throat. Release after several sec-
onds, then begin the stomach-lift bandha, in which you
raise your stomach using your abdominal and diaphragm
muscles. Finally, awaken the energy at the base of your
spine by performing the root bandha, contracting your
sphincter muscles.

Jalandhara bandha (1 minute)—chin lock
Uddiyana bandha (1 minute)—stomach lift
Moola bandha (1 minute)—root lock

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Session 189
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