The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
importance of pranayama to, 41
yamas, described by, 32
Pavanamuktasana (wind relieving
pose), 124 , 124–127, 125 , 126 ,
127 , 178
physical body, 14–17
as extension of environment, 14–16
metamorphosis of, 16
Pingala, 165
poses.See alsopostures
balancing, 137–148, 182, 182 , 183 ,
Dandayamana Dhanurasana
(standing bow pose), 144–146
Dandayamana Konasana
(standing angle pose), 143–144
Ekpadasana (one foot posture),
Garudasana (eagle pose),
Trikonasana (triangle pose),
Vrksasana (tree pose),
body awareness, 122–148, 178, 178 ,
179 , 180 , 181 , 182
Bhujangasana (cobra pose),
Dhanurasana (bow pose), 131
Halasana (plow pose), 128–129
Janu Sirsasana (bent knee
forward bend), 132–134
Padmasana (lotus mudra),
Pavanamuktasana (wind
relieving pose), 124–127
Salabhasana (locust pose), 131
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand),
Uttpluthi (uplifting pose),
energy-opening, 165–172, 190 , 191
Balasana (child’s pose),
Chakrasana (kneeling wheel),
Matsyasana (fish pose), 170–171
Matsyendrasana (spinal twist)
(Lord of the Fish pose),
Vajrasana (diamond pose),

sun salutations, 148–158. See also
sun salutations (Surya Namaskar)
for specific poses
in a chair, 158–164
postures.See alsoposes
balancing, for everyday yoga prac-
tice, 182–184
changing, as result of bringing
awareness into body, 121
energy-opening, for everyday yoga
practice, 190–191
for enlivening body awareness, 122
flexibility, for everyday yoga
practice, 178–181
prana, 17, 41–42. See alsolife force
association of breath with, 99–100
enlivening, 41
Pranamasana (salutation pose), 150,
150 , 157 , 157–158, 185 , 189
pranamaya kosha, 17
Pranayama, 41–42
pranayama breathing techniques, 17,
41–42, 102–112
Bhastrika (bellows breath),
Dirgha (complete breath), 107–108
for everyday yoga practice, 176–177
Kapalabhati (shining breath), 107
Nadi Shodhana (channel clearing
breath), 110–112
true value of, 113
Ujjayi (success breath), 109–110
use of, to influence physical and
mental states, 102
Pratyahara, 42–45
as sensory fasting, 44
Primordial Sound Meditation, 81–82,
91, 177
Proust, Marcel, 22
purity (shoucha), 36
qi, 41
Raja yoga, xii–xiii, 32–48,
responsibility, taking, 62
ruach, 41
Sahaswara (consciousness chakra),
color of, 90
mantra for, 90
Salabhasana (locust pose), 130, 131
Samadhi, 47–48, 78

Index 205

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