The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
samadhi, 94
Saraswati, Brahmananda, 56
Sarvangasana (shoulder stand),
127–128, 128 , 179
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 2
science, yoga of, x–xi
Self, 51, 52
discovering higher, 70
problem with happiness based on
other than true, 67
self-referral, 51
self-study (svadhyana), 37–38
Seven Spiritual Laws, 122, 173
activating, for everyday yoga
practice, 192
during meditation, 94–95
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
(Chopra), 10–11
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, 49–73
days of the week for, 50–51, 192–193
Law of Detachment, 66–69
Law of Dharma, 69–72
Law of Giving and Receiving, 54–57
Law of Intention and Desire, 63–66
Law of Karma, 57–60
Law of Least Effort, 60–63
Law of Pure Potentiality, 51–54
Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga
program, 3–4, 122
asanas chosen in, 40
beneficial aspects of, 10
design of, 12
full range of yoga in, 24
journey of, 22
purpose and facets of, 175–176
Shankara, Adi, 13–14, 16–17, 18–19,
20, 21, 22
Shiva, Lord, 167
sleep, 93
So Hum meditation, 90–92
for everyday yoga practice, 177
soul.See alsoSelf
deepening connection to, 28
questions, 25–29
software of, 78
spirit.See alsodomain of spirit
overshadowing of, by ego, x
shifting internal reference point
from ego to, 25–29
union of ego and, 10
srotas, 113
stillness, cultivating, 53

struggle, release of, 68
subtle body, 17–19
components of, 17
ensuring health and well-being
of, 27
inner dialogue of, questions and, 28
sun salutations (Surya Namaskar),
148–158, 153 , 156, 156
(equestrian pose), 152–153
Asthanga Namaskar (eight limbs
pose), 154
Bhujangasana (cobra pose), 154–155
in a chair, 158–164, 159 , 160 , 161 ,
162 , 163 , 164
for everyday yoga practice, 184–185,
185 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 189
Hasta Uttanasana (sky reaching
pose), 151, 157
Pada Hastasana (hand to feet pose),
151–152, 156
Parvatasana (mountain pose), 153,
Pranamasana (salutation pose), 150,
Supreme Being, xi–xii
Suptavajrasana (diamond kneeling
pose), 191
surrender, to the divine (Ishwara-
Pranidhana), 38–39
Surya Namaskar. Seesun salutations
(Surya Namaskar)
Sushumna, 165
Svadhisthana (creativity chakra),
84–85, 152, 154
color for, 85
mantra for, 85
tanmatras, 43
awakening, 43–45
Thatcher, Margaret, 21
thoughts, classification of, 78
avoiding, 44–45
clearing body of, 176
discharging, 116
eliminating, 103, 116
minimizing, with sattvic foods, 16
Traditional Chinese Medicine, 41, 113
Trikonasana (triangle pose), 141–142,
142 , 183
truthfulness (satya), 33–34

206 Index

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