The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit

(lu) #1
Uddiyana bandha (stomach lift),
114–116, 115
Ujjayi (success breath), 109–110, 110 ,
uncertainty, embracing, 68
understanding, yoga of, x–xi
union, ix–x, 10
royal path to, 32–48
Upanishads, x, 27
Uttpluthi (uplifting pose), 135–136,
136 , 182
Vajrasana (diamond pose), 168–169,
169 , 191
vayu, 127
Vedas, 11, 14, 27
Vedic science, 11
revivalist of, 13–14
Vishnu, Lord, 23
Vishuddha (expression chakra),
87–88, 151, 153
color of, 88
mantra for, 88
voluntary nervous system, 100
Vrksasana (tree pose), 137–139, 138 ,
Wells, H. G., 36
Yama, 32–35
exercise of appropriate sexual
control (brahmacharya), 34
generosity (aparigraha), 35
honesty (asteya), 34–35
peace, or nonviolence (ahimsa), 33
truthfulness (satya), 33–34
yamas, 32–35
Patanjali description of, 32
yoga, 38–39
in action, 172–174
as action in accordance with
dharma, 70–71
Asana, 39–40
benefits of, 11, 61, 122, 123–124
cultivation of expanded awareness
through, 35
defined, ix–x, 10
derivation of word, 10
Dharana, 45–46, 78
Dhyana, 46–47, 78
eight branches of, 31–48

eight limbs of. Seeyoga, eight
branches of
envisioning body/mind in, 113
essence of, 13, 18, 29
experiencing, 77–78
expansion of self-awareness
through, 29
four forms of, x–xiii
full expression of, 89
goal of, 28
ideal practice session for, 176–178,
182, 184–185, 189–190, 192–193
integration, as essential purpose of,
of meditation, 97
Niyama, 35–39
practitioners, 11–12
influence over involuntary
bodily functions by, 101
Pranayama, 41–42
Pratyahara, 42–45
rising popularity of, in Western
world, 9, 11
royal path to, xii–xiii
Samadhi, 47–48, 78
true security, according to principles
of, 67
value to body, mind, and spirit,
brought by, 2, 195–198
Yama, 32–35
yoga practice
activating spiritual law of the day,
for everyday, 192
enlivening Law of Least Effort in,
harnessing power of Law of Inten-
tion and Desire in, 65–66
ideal session for everyday, 176–178,
182, 184–185, 189–190, 192–193
Law of Detachment in, 68–69
Law of Dharma in, 71–72
practicing nonjudgment during, 53
putting Law of Giving and
Receiving into effect in, 55–56
putting Law of Karma into effect in,
Yoga Sutras(Patanjali), 24
yogis, 11–12
accomplished, as masters of atten-
tion and intention, 64–65
inner dialogue of, 38–39

Index 207

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